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  1. David Atkins

    Well, I did it…. Minn Kona help needed

    Sounds like a manufacturing problem with either the motors or wiring (I think) the wiring would be my place to begin, smaller gauge wiring will overheat and burn, with the motor fully submerged in the water I would not think that the motor is overheating; working in manufacturing like I did for...
  2. David Atkins

    Grandpas, Grandmas, Grandkids & Tin Boats - Share your pics!

    Amen, mine to and only after I have cleaned all of the fish, washed the boat and cleaned up everything, lol
  3. David Atkins

    Newbie from Montana

    Gilby, I think the paint job is 1st Class and looks terrific!
  4. David Atkins

    What percentage of your boating is....

    when I had a boat (in between boats right now) I fished about 50 / 50 between the two, I have to drive farther to get to 100% Salt Water but love fishing out of the Chesapeake Bay. Many of our rivers dump right into the Bay so we have brackish waters unless you are far-far away from the Bay; I...
  5. David Atkins

    Be carefull out there

    I agree, to be 60 again, know what I know now would make a big difference, lol...
  6. David Atkins

    1999 Starcraft Superfisherman Transom Restoration

    If this a fix and flip you may want to reconsider that, the new owner may want a working live well, just a though; that is a nice looking boat, Sir.
  7. David Atkins

    70’s Starcraft 14’ Seafarer “By Golly”

    Here's to hoping you followed the Devcon 10760 instructions to the letter with material prep. and degreasing of the lower unit, with it being a porous material if it holds and grease of lower unit oils the repair will fail.
  8. David Atkins

    Quick Minn Kota trolling motor question

    we lived temporarily in home near Richmond, VA. - they were honey bees as my father had 10 or 12 hives, I don't remember the exact count; he worked those hives and sold the honey, I was messing with one of the hives and I guess made them mad so out they came and got all over me, Doctor at...
  9. David Atkins

    Quick Minn Kota trolling motor question

    wish I could be a bee keeper, got stung when I was a kid about 200 times and mom called 911 and got me to the hospital now I'm very allergic to honey bees but love them and need them for my farming/gardening, I would have several hives if I could; beekeepers are special people in my book by what...
  10. David Atkins

    Quick Minn Kota trolling motor question

    yep, just like Pete and I did every weekend, he likes plain hamburgers so he got 2 from hamburger stand every Saturday and the girl at the drive in would also give him treats and he loved her, couldn't wait to see her, he got excited when we turned don the road to the hamburger stand. Funny...
  11. David Atkins

    Quick Minn Kota trolling motor question

    My Pit Bull owned a 1969 Z-28 Camaro and I got to drive him around all the time in it, He sat in passengers seat, I put special seat belt on him and he sat there just like anyone would.
  12. David Atkins


    Not to sure why I didn't grow up to be a lawyer (I guess I hated them first) my Dad grew up with the County Sheriff so crime was off the table. Life on a farm was great didn't have time for much but work, hunting and fishing, I guess that's why I didn't do axe murders as I was too busy killing...
  13. David Atkins


    In the good old days when we messed up we were taken to the wood shed for a lashing from a leather strap; didn't take but a few of those before I fell into line with the rules, yes I was hardheaded, lol needed 2 whippings
  14. David Atkins


  15. David Atkins

    Fishing License

    I can tell you straight up if you do disable yourself, life will change for you drastically; I am almost 100% disabled at this point and life is tough when your disabled, they say everything is ADA compliant and I say BS to that comment. Boat landings and dock aren't ADA compliant not are the...