Old-School Alumacraft Rebuild


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Apr 3, 2012
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Hi there everyone. This is my first post here, and I thought I'd share my restoration and modification of this little old Alumacraft that I bought last week.

First off, I was wondering if anyone could help identify exactly what I have here, it's a bit of a mystery to me. On to the pics:

Day I bought it:






Any ideas what I ended up with here? Guy said it was a 14, but it's not nearly that long. It measures over 12, but it's not 14.

Ill post this weekend's progress pics next. Thanks for any and all input!
This weekend's progress included a soak in some really great aluminum brightener. That stuff turned this old, dull, ugly plug into a shiny, bright piece!




Did a little modification to the rear rollers on the trailer, got them to fit the boat better. Relocated the one black center roller that was on the back, put it up to the front and made the trailer really fit the boat unlike how it was when I got it. Also replaced the wiring on the trailer and added some really great LED tail lights.


Next project is to replace the transom board with a bit bigger piece, I just didn't care for the one that was on there being only about 3.5" tall. Only problem I'm having with that is finding a true 1" thick piece of hardwood.

More updates will come as progress is made! Thanks for having me, and thanks for such a fantastically informative site!
Welcome to Tiboats. This place is great. The old Alumacrafts have some great lines. I've got a '54 model K i'm working on right now.

Yours appears to be a model AL. If you email alumacraft with the letters and numbers from the transom brace they will be able to give you a year.

The AL was 13'7" long with a 49" beam rated for a 10hp. Should be a fun boat. Mine had that non-skid paint similar to yours, mine was a mint green color, must have been factory because I've seen it in ALOT of the old alumacrafts applied in the same way.
Here's a link to some cool information on the old alumacrafts


Good luck with the boat, have fun.
Just noticed your drain plug. I have the same thing except mine goes through the bottom of the boat and has a cast guard over it. I think it took a 3/8 NPT plug if you need spares.
Some updates to share.

Decided to throw some paint on it due to boredom. Got a little overzealous and for some ungodly reason I decided to try bright red. Needless to say, I could've shot myself and decided to do a camo/black scheme that turned out really spiffy.

Painted the trailer, replaced the winch rope, and removed the old cruddy benches.

Some pics:



I guess at this point I'm looking for some guidance on the flooring and interior layout. The boat is pretty shallow, and narrow, so I wasn't planning on going very high with the floor, just basically flattening the better part of the center. I'd like to at least leave the center bench out.

Any input on what to do with the interior would be spectacular. Thanks guys.
Nice old Alumacraft Goundshock I rebuilt one similar, what I did is screwed some plywood into the middle supports, and you would want to beef up the gaping between the wood and the aluminum with some foam board. Keep the middle channel clear for water flow to the back. There is a drawnig on my boat build under 14 foot alumacraft at the bottom of my postings.

groundshock said:
jimmy fins, your boat has been the inspiration for this since day 1. Thanks for the input!

That's very kind of you to say. Any questions, if I can help give me a shout.


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