Where's the bucks?


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Nov 29, 2006
Reaction score
Shrewsbury, MA
We put out the game cameras last week and are starting to see deer. No bucks yet. I have to rethink my strategy.





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Jim said:
FormerParatrooper said:
The one doe looks decent. No shame in filling the freezer with her.
I'm hunting for food first and foremost, but I would love to get a big bruiser on camera.

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I am with you on that. I have not shot a buck in 20 years or more, only shot him because it was the last day on my either sex permit and had about an hour of daylight left. Most of the antlers went to a buddy who made knives and the scraps I fed to the squirrels in the backyard.
Both of these deer trails are less than 20 yds from my tree stand.
This is my first year bow hunting. I've rifle hunted most of my life.
I have not sat in this bow stand yet due to the unusually warm weather around here
- it's been in the upper 80s and 90s in central Wisconsin in September.
I wonder if I'll see the big boy again.



Ok, now we are starting to see the hard work pay off.

This is a 3 minute compilation of Bucks caught on my Browning Trail camera. Check out the velvet hanging off of one of them.

Jim said:
How old do you think the bigger one is? Im trying to compare it to the one on my video.
Don't look to me for hunting advise. I'm a noob myself to bowhunting, scouting, aging, calling, etc. I grew up with a rifle in my hand while sitting in a tree. Go boom when you see one. I like to think now that I'm trying to learn how to be a real hunter.
NAAW, too small! :lol:
That's a decent deer Jim, remember-a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, if you can get him, fine, if not and you pass up other opportunities you can always make picture soup! :lol: :lol:
Your call, and GOOD LUCK!
Just curious, what type of broadheads are you using, a NAP Spitfire opened prematurely on me and cost me a buck, went to a fixed blade and missed one #-o , this year I used a Rage Crossbow slipcam and it did the job! They advise that the mechanical's are best on broadside shots and fixed blade seem to work better on quartering shots. From what I have read, the best thing to do with the Spitfires is to put a dental band around the blades to keep them from prematurely opening up on the higher speed crossbows, something good to know and the rest of mine are now banded.
I’m using OCD blind therapy broadheads. No mechanicals for me just yet.


Here is the backside of my target at 30 yards. They do fly like field points.


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