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  • airshot
    airshot replied to the thread What have you been up to lately?.
    For a while, then the real aches and pains start up and you will begin to wonder who that old geezer is in the mirror ??
  • airshot
    airshot reacted to lightflyer1's post in the thread What have you been up to lately? with Like Like.
    Thank you very much for the best wishes! It's a good thing but it's also kind of scary as well.
  • airshot
    airshot replied to the thread What have you been up to lately?.
    Wish you the best on your retirement...been retired 7 years for me....
  • airshot
    airshot replied to the thread Transome outboard plate material.
    Wood was primarily used because it was cheap, but back in the day many motors used clamps rather than bolted thru. If your using a...
  • airshot
    airshot replied to the thread What have you been up to lately?.
    Just counting down the days until spring boating/ fishing seasons starts up again !!
  • airshot
    Can only reference my brushless experience in my R/C cars. When compared to brushed motors, the brushless motors are far more...
  • airshot
    airshot reacted to FuzzyGrub's post in the thread Good alternative to plywood? with Like Like.
    During winter, tarps are closed. On the G3, during the summer, back is open along with the bow for ventilation.
  • airshot
    airshot reacted to Buster's post in the thread Good alternative to plywood? with Like Like.
    The cover/tarp thing also huge. Bad covers or tarps do a better job keeping moisture in than they do keeping it out. A couple quarts of...
  • airshot
    airshot replied to the thread Good alternative to plywood?.
    My boat sits in a barn when not in use, so that helps the plywood to last longer, much longer !! Another thing to do is when I get home...
  • airshot
    airshot reacted to ripdmup's post in the thread Signs with Like Like.
    >ACTUAL AUSTRALIAN COURT DOCKET 12659---CASE OF THE PREGNANT LADY > >A lady about 8 months pregnant got on a bus. She noticed the...
  • airshot
    airshot replied to the thread Wood or Aluminum.
    Worse case is, both wood and metal can be hard and uncomfortable to sit on. Wood needs upkeep and metal gets really hot in summer sun...
  • airshot
    airshot replied to the thread Good alternative to plywood?.
    Why the worry about plywood ? My boat is a 1992 and floor still very solid all out of plywood. After 32 years, you probably won't even...
  • airshot
    airshot replied to the thread Aluminum or Wood.
    Have you ever touched aluminum after sitting in the sun for a couple hours ? I have many times, serious burns and raised blisters ...
  • airshot
    Everything became much more expensive after the covid crap, in many cases double the cost. Just had a new roof installed on my barn...
  • airshot
    airshot replied to the thread Aluminum or Wood.
    Consider the pro's and con's......wood looks better to some, metal gets hot in the sun but doesn't have to be painted. Etc...etc...your...