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  1. B

    Looking at new boats

    New boat prices have tripled over the past four years. A boat that you could buy new before 2020 is now over $6k or more. When new boats go up, so do used boats. No one wants to sell anything for less than they can replace it for. With the cost of all materials skyrocketing lately all boats are...
  2. B

    Where do most people go to sell a used aluminum boat these days?

    When I posted this I didn't think it would still be going over a hundred posts later! Back in mid August I had a friend who lives on a main highway take the boat and put it out for sale, I told him I wanted to see $1,500 out of it, and if he got any more, it was his. He came and got it, picked...
  3. B

    Where do most people go to sell a used aluminum boat these days?

    In a nutshell: That motor is still there because everyone is flat broke, they can't afford food, gas, or soon heating oil let alone a $500 motor to fish for fish in water they tell us is contaminated and not to eat the fish. Most of those who I know who fish are my age or older, so that means...
  4. B

    Where do most people go to sell a used aluminum boat these days?

    I've bought auction lots of motors that I've never tried to start, they get sorted buy good or parts and go in different locations in the shed or garage. If its got good compression, (if it don't feel like its wiped out, or down on compression, it gets put on a rack and I'll get around to it...
  5. B

    Going after two free boats and motors?

    With the way people are giving away motors for cheap and how many go for pocket change at the auction these days I can't build stands fast enough. My garage attic, basement, two sheds, and part of an old chicken coop that I converted into a garage outback are all full. I've never counted but a...
  6. B

    What is this?

    I saw this in another post here, 9,9hp Mariner Outboard Is this a motor someone brought here from the UK or other offshore source? As far as I know there's no more Mariner here after 2007? The few later Mariner motors I've run across here have been either German or Austrailian market motors...
  7. B

    Where do most people go to sell a used aluminum boat these days?

    It reminds me of when I was selling a very tall road bike, a 10 speed from the 60's. The bike was sized for someone well over 6ft and fairly athletic to ride it. Being a top end model it was super light and not suited for heavy riders, or those who were 4ft 10in tall either. All of the replies I...
  8. B

    Honda 9.9hp value?

    I've been watching that thing go up and go down on CL for over a year, if it weren't 30 miles from me I'd go check it out but I doubt he'll let it go any cheaper than what he's asking. I don't need it but if it'll sell for double, it may be worth buying just to flip in a different area if he'd...
  9. B

    Where do most people go to sell a used aluminum boat these days?

    Most professional shops will not allow a guy to have a cheap box, their insurance won't cover it. A buddies son has been going through factory training for Ford, the program includes a 10 week on/off schedule between classes and work at the dealer who sponsors you. It costs them $5,800 per 10...
  10. B

    Where do most people go to sell a used aluminum boat these days?

    I've got too much time and money into that trailer to let it go and no one will pay what I've got in it in time building it and getting it properly galvanized. I built a trailer that uses full size wheels to fit a 16ft boat out of open c channel with an all welded frame and sliding axle after I...
  11. B

    Where do most people go to sell a used aluminum boat these days?

    About 8 years ago I inherited my dad's old boat. I wasn't sure if I was keeping it but its become the only boat I use now. My 94 Starcraft SF14DLX just sits. I sold the motor last year figuring since i moved here we can only use a trolling motor, i didn't have any use for a gas motor. I've used...
  12. B

    Honda 9.9hp value?

    I've been watching a 9.9 Honda tiller motor on CL here for several months, even spoke to the seller to see what was up even though I wasn't really looking but it sounds like a guy who just happened on it when his father in law died. It sounded like he's not a boat guy and just wants it gone. He...
  13. B

    Large lot of 70's and 80's Johnson and Evinrude outboards

    With good batteries those electric fly swatters are the equivalent of a mini cattle prod. I had one of those here in the garage and a buddy stopped by with is kid tagging along the kid picks the thing up, presses the button and sticks his tongue on it. He only did that once. I worked with an...
  14. B

    New sign up, long time reader here

    After reading these posts here for a few years I finally signed up here. I've been a life long aluminum boat guy, big and small and have restored more than a dozen over the years and have saved/collected/hoarded, what ever you want to call it, about 300 or so older outboards. Recently retired...