Recent content by Dennis Wilson

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  1. Dennis Wilson

    Boat For Sale 1958 Queen of the Waterways

    Hi.... I bought an old Alumacraft to restore last winter and spent quite a bit of time restoring it.... and found out the price of redwood so I just used the original seats. Found the period direct decal reproductions and registered the boat... It went well... new transom wood all around etc...
  2. Dennis Wilson


    I was going to use cork, but, the cork might have been too thick and I am already worried that I might have too much width on the transom for my 4 HP Evinrude..... but it should work. I used a manmade gasket between the treated lumber and aluminum... I also used a Marine Sealant from Menards on...
  3. Dennis Wilson


    Good morning..... The seats were not original which should have been redwood and now, I have time to look for some redwood on CL and garage sales etc. and start gathering it.... It's around... and there are some lumber places that will advertise it but they also charge and arm and a leg; not an...
  4. Dennis Wilson


    Well.. it turned into a plan B project because of cost and time but I finished adding the hull identification this morning as well as the Queen of the Waterways decals in the back..... I looked at the price of redwood.... ouch... and then looked at cedar... more ouch.... and just decided I...
  5. Dennis Wilson

    Transom Plugs

    I still have not found the plug that is correct for my 1958 Alumacraft.... and I have written to several marine outfits and Alumacraft... all of them checked with their suppliers and you simply cannot find this thing... Mine works fine, and I went one more step to see what it would take to...
  6. Dennis Wilson

    Transom Plugs

    I have used both..... and a couple other thoughts.... I found out that in Minnesota, it's illegal to leave your plug installed after you leave the ramp. I also keep a second plug in my tackle box, and three times, I have been at the ramp when the guy in front of me held up the launching of...
  7. Dennis Wilson


    The basic cleanup of the boat is finished, and the "interior" parts of the boat that need to be replicated are in the garage and they will be finished this winter so these components (redwood seats and transom) can be installed early next spring when the boat will be moved back inside the work...
  8. Dennis Wilson


    Just random comments. The oars had three coats of paint... varnish, green and then white paint. The plan is to stain and spar varnish them. Major damage to them was filled (twice) and then sanded with wood putty that accepts stain. The transom interior was made with a cedar 4x4 cut down to the...
  9. Dennis Wilson


    Good questions... I am leaning towards using a manmade fabric gasket that we use for some automotive applications instead of cork. When I removed the inside and outside transom wood, I found cork on one and a very thin gasket material on the other. I am almost positive these were the original...
  10. Dennis Wilson


    I live in Minnesota. If I somehow find that I am in salt water, I made a radical right turn somewhere....... but there is one more alternative maybe to cut down on the chances of a reaction if I use an aluminum flat washer anywhere the stainless bolt/screw would make contact with the...
  11. Dennis Wilson


    You are 100% correct on the outside part of the transom being plywood and mine had a cork buffer between the plywood and the aluminum. The cork held up really well; the plywood did not. It is in quite sad shape, but usable as a pattern. The plan is to use cork as a buffer again because...
  12. Dennis Wilson


    I have a lot of stainless steel assortments so I will go with those too..... If there would happen to be a problem, it will be the next owner who can deal with it. I found three types of gasket material and one is a man made material...... All you can do is try. I have 1/4 of the mirror finish...
  13. Dennis Wilson


    Thanks... I like to learn and research and make every attempt to do things right. But over the years I have tried alternative methods on literally every restoration project I have done much like Henry Ford did in his time. Use what you have and repurpose if whatever fits/works.... I stock cork...
  14. Dennis Wilson


    PS... Just read an article about why cork was used... I thought it would be a protective kind of thing.... but it was also used to dampen vibration from the motor which would be magnified by the boat... so it was basically a sound deadener/anti vibration...... ironic thing... I used to have a...
  15. Dennis Wilson


    So cork is/was basically over-rated? For some reason pictures sometimes make things look better than they actually are. The wood is pretty shabby and could be restored, but I have access now to a bunch of cedar and since I am going to put in all new seats and inside/outside transom wood so I...