Hey Guys
Jeff Here,
I introduced myself in the forum subsection and posted some pictures of the boat but now I am getting a bit more into the project. I acid washed the entire hull and removed all the benches and structure inside the boat to get it clean and replace some solid rivets that...
I believe I’m just going to put a floor over the structure ribs, I thought about the raised deck but this being such a narrow boat I would prefer center of gravity a little lower
Hey everyone,
New to the scene and new to the forums. Just want to introduce myself and attempt to get through my first build.
Little backstory on the boat and myself,
I have been bank fishing since about 4 years old and my step father got my interest sparked back then 1991-1992. Fast...
Hey everyone,
New to the scene and new to the forums. Just want to introduce myself and attempt to get through my first build.
Little backstory on the boat and myself,
I have been bank fishing since about 4 years old and my step father got my interest sparked back then 1991-1992. Fast...