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  1. H

    New 4-Stroke or old 2-Stroke

    What I've found over the years is that two strokes tend to fair better when used heavily but most smaller motors don't seem to see much use in general. A motor that can be carried tends to be hung up in the garage in the off season and not left out in the weather year after year. I find far more...
  2. H

    Looking at new boats

    I'd rather wait in line for and hour rather than drive and hour each way ti still wait in line for an hour. NJ made about half the DMV offices useless after the 2020 shut down and closed up a good many of the smaller offices or moved them to more metro areas. I'm a block from the local DMV but...
  3. H

    Older 10hp Honda BF100 motors?

    I picked up a four of those motors myself from an estate in PA Three ran and one was a parts motor missing some lower unit parts. I traded them away to a buddy who put one on his fiberglass skiff. Its proven to be a really great little motor. He made a home made jack plate but that worked out...
  4. H

    Electric Start?

    I did the same to my 1979 35hp. I left the original ignition and and skipped adding the stator to charge the battery. I bought a $39 jumper pack from Harbor Freight, a generic automotive bump starter switch, (looks similar to the original kill button) some wire and two battery cables to a jump...
  5. H

    Price of used motors

    The OP is in NJ, they only allow gas motors on a few lakes and those have a 10hp limit. Outboard larger than 10hp are limited to the rivers and tidal saltwater. As far as I know, OMC never put T&T on the 15hp, at least not in the good years, (74-92). Newer motors are a rare sight here, most...
  6. H

    Is this dent a concern for leaks since its right on the rivet?

    If it don't leak, don't mess with it. Don't fix what ain't broke is he saying. Unless the rivet is leaking, I wouldn't mess with it. Aluminum does not like to be worked cold, and dented aluminum stretches to some degree so anything you do will likely make it worse in some aspect. If it...
  7. H

    Small boat and cold water

    20 or so years ago a buddies wife called me to tell me her 75 year old husband went fishing and never returned that afternoon, after figuring out where went from several who refused to go with him, we found him passed out drunk adrift with his 50ft anchor out in 900ft of water with four rods in...
  8. H

    9.9 not exciting enough 😂

    I ran a Starcraft SF14L for years with both 9.9hp and 35hp motors. I never checked the speed on a GPS and the fish finder speed was all over the place but with the 9.9hp, it would only get on plane with must me, and minimal gear onboard. With the 35hp, it was FAST but at rest with me and the 120...
  9. H

    Lot of stuck motors

    I'm in NJ but as of right now I've only parted out a few of these things. Most of the stuck motors were easily freed up and gotten running so far. I'm finding more stuck at the lower unit then up top. A few were just gummed up from sitting, a few only took a few shots of marvel oil down the plug...
  10. H

    Where do most people go to sell a used aluminum boat these days?

    I had a conversation with a guy the other day at a local marina, they said they had almost no work all summer, and the biggest rush was at the very end but nothing like it was before 2020. He said they area also turning away all work on older motors since they can't recover their labor in doing...
  11. H

    Where do most people go to sell a used aluminum boat these days?

    The seller with the 9.9hp Honda lowered the price to $250 the other day, I emailed him a $200 offer and my number. I picked it up last night. $200, plus about $30 in gas to go get it. It starts on the first pull, I don't think its ever been used, the 'scratches' in the cover were so...
  12. H

    Where do most people go to sell a used aluminum boat these days?

    A buddy of mine just bought an 80's 17ft Aquasport center console with a 1997 115 on it, it runs great but he only gave $400 for the boat, motor, and trailer. It was sitting out on the main highway all summer for sale for $800 with no takers. The boat isn't perfect but the motor is mint and the...
  13. H

    What to watch out for: 1990(ish) 15hp Johnson

    I was thinking it was missing a cylinder as well As far as the compression, gauges are all over the place, some do better on small engines other on car engines. I was having trouble with getting consistent readings from my older MAC tools gauge set on small engines, often it read so low I knew...
  14. H

    Going after two free boats and motors?

    I took a few pics of my garage this morning, the past year's worth of buying, has got my garage pretty well full of motors. I took a rough count and got somewhere between 600 and 615 each time total. A few are parts motors that came with running twins that needed something, a few I've already...
  15. H

    Going after two free boats and motors?

    I oiled down all the cylinders on each of these as soon as I got them home, Those that I had running got sprayed down with CRC 323 externally and I spun each one over by hand while shooting some motor oil in each plug hole so they're safe to let sit. The nicest motors got their carbs drained and...