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  1. J

    2001 Legend V151 - Green Ain't Good!

    Just wanted to provide an update for those who've been so helpful. Unfortunately my timeline has changed dramatically, my father passed away in April, it was a shock to the whole family. One of the healthiest 79 year olds I know....diagnosed with Cancer at the end of February and passed by the...
  2. J

    Doing the floors - epoxy and vinyl question

    I should have replied to you before you posted! I saw this in a few other threads and was pretty sure you'd be the first guy to reply! Unfortunately their web site won't accept my Canadian postal code. With that said, I'm just fine doing epoxy on the entire floor (top, bottom and edges) just...
  3. J

    Doing the floors - epoxy and vinyl question

    On to the next stage guys; floors! So I have the old wood I tore up as my guide pattern. It was 1/2" and is in good enough condition that I can at least use it as a template. I'm probably doing 1/2" again, although I may go with 5/8", I haven't decided yet. Now I've already ordered all the...
  4. J

    Speaker setup 2 vs 4

    Thanks guys, trying to stay away from that option if we can help it. A couple of our annual trips are for at least 4 days, and can reach up to 10 days in length. Phones die and go away fast. We actually encourage that they disappear. One of the benefits of our favourite camp site is that it...
  5. J

    Speaker setup 2 vs 4

    Thanks again guys for all the help so far. As I continue my planning I have my next question. So I'm looking to put in some speakers so my wife can listen to her tunes, we use the boat for a lot more than just fishing: tubing, fireworks, getting around the lake, etc... Now we're not sound...
  6. J

    Battery the bow?

    I like that....I'm not even sure I could get mine up to the front, even if I wanted to. I'd have to do some more measuring but I believe the position of the front bench makes it not possible. I plan on cutting through it for the batteries but I don't want to fully remove it. Which is what I...
  7. J

    Battery the bow?

    That has been on my mind as well. The batteries I know I can do, the tank I'm not so sure. First off I would have to check to see if there is enough room to fit the tank, I'm not sure there is enough, it would be tight and would take a lot of modding. Where it is now is convenient, the cover...
  8. J

    Battery the bow?

    Not much room in the middle, I think the best I can do is move it 1-2 feet forward in the back bench, rather than having it all the way to the rear.
  9. J

    Battery the bow?

    Thanks guys, I'm going to go forward with the plan to move it to the front, she just sits so damn low when I'm on my own through the shallows of the some of the small lakes that the more weight I can get to the front the better. I was using the charts and it looks like I should be good with the...
  10. J

    Battery the bow?

    As I continue to plan out the build my next question is battery placement. The previous owner just cut a hole in one of the back benches and sunk a battery in there. He ran a second small battery under the console for the finder. I'd like to change that and do two primary batteries; cranking...
  11. J

    Fixing screw practice?

    Thanks guys, you've convinced me, I think I'll bring it to my local welder. Do it once, do it right. I'll see if I can come up with a couple other small things for him to do to make it a worthwhile trip. I knew the JB weld would work and if it was just a temporary fix, or in an out of the way...
  12. J

    Fixing screw practice?

    So picked off the caulking the previous owner had gooped on and found this gem. Just wondering what the suggested practice would be on filling these holes after I pull the screws and remove the bondo? I haven't tried brazing before but wouldn't mind giving it a shot. What do you more...
  13. J

    2001 Legend V151 - Green Ain't Good!

    Ply for benches vs floor So having ripped up the floor and the benches I've noticed it was done it two different sizes. The floor was 1/2" while the bench seats and the front platform were all 3/4". I was planning on doing 5/8" for the flooring as I found the 1/2" to have a bit more flex than...
  14. J

    2001 Legend V151 - Green Ain't Good!

    Ha! I was able to do that more before but now there is a workshop/mancave attached to the garage for me to play in it's harder to make the case that I need the garage as well! Unfortunately I can't the boat/sled into the mancave! But she's reasonable, if I'm working on a project she...
  15. J

    2001 Legend V151 - Green Ain't Good!

    Read my mind...but am trying to work around the weather as I'm doing most of this outdoors. For some reason my wife insists on parking in the garage during the winter! The tentative plan is to cut and vinyl the floors and benches over the winter. We're hosting a New Year's party this year so...