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  1. J

    1976 Johnson 25hp Jumping out of Gear

    Thanks for the reply. I will take a look tomorrow afternoon and follow your instructions. To clarify, It was Jumping back to neutral every time until that last moment when I said I couldn’t get it to go back into forward at all. Should motor be in neutral when I start to make adjustments? How...
  2. J

    1976 Johnson 25hp Jumping out of Gear

    Thanks! I was thinking that was the case…Would anyone have good advice on how to do this accurately? Can’t find any good videos on YouTube, or people documenting this same situation with the year and HP that I’ve got.
  3. J

    1976 Johnson 25hp Jumping out of Gear

    Bought tiller motor for cheap, bad dog and forward gear from the jump so I just bought a rebuilt lower off EBay. Ran it some with new lower and it did fine for about 2 hours. Then started jumping out of gear again?? Pulled it out immediately and pulled oil, had a little water in it but not much...