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  1. L

    Looking to repower

    Guess I’m making a few mistakes tonight, sorry!
  2. L

    Aluminum v boat paint

    Enjoy the extra photos:)
  3. L

    Aluminum v boat paint

    Just did mine, just outer topside. Random orbit and hand sand, rattle can self etching primer, Petit ezepoxy sea foam green, roll and tip. Two coats
  4. L

    Looking to repower

    Thanks to all who helped on my transom height post and Repower post. I can’t diagnose this motor and don’t have local resources to help. Can’t help but wonder what it needs, feels so close:)…..
  5. L

    Looking to repower

    Sorry for terse post, I keep losing my replies before I can post! 1974 25hp evinrude, ran great then didn’t. Fresh gear oil, plugs , gas, carb clean, thermostat, fuel pump. Will only throttle up half speed. Upper plug fouled more than lower. Came with boat,I’m moving on from this motor
  6. L

    Looking to repower

    Can only get motor to throttle up to about half power. Upper plug is fouled more than lower. Both are month old.
  7. L


    New 25’s are going to be 150 lbs plus I think, going to look at 20’s. They should be around 110-115. Interesting to know about the power being at the prop. Thanks for the help
  8. L


    Need to repower my70’s 14’ side console duranautic, It has evinrude 1974 25 hp. Are the new 25 hp motors too heavy and should I look at the 20 hp motors that weigh similar to the old 2 stroke? Thanks
  9. L

    Duranautic transom height

    The boat is 20” transom. I was way wrong. Spent time Saturday looking it over and getting used to it. I was confused by the controls, thought I had bad throttle cable, realized it just doesn’t have that much travel. It needed a prop shaft drive pin. 1972 boat , ‘74 evinrude 25, replace gear oil...
  10. L

    Duranautic transom height

    Thanks everyone,i will be able to spend time today checking everything out a little better. I’ll post more later.
  11. L

    Duranautic transom height

    You can see how the transom is straight across
  12. L

    Duranautic transom height

    Hi, i have a 1972 duranautic 14, side console. It has a 1974 Evinrude 25 electric start. This is new to me. The boat is in great shapeand I hoped to put a 20 hp yamaha on it, as it turns out the transom is 25”( ?), i can now see the evinrude has a 5 “ extension kit on the shaft. So, can I cut...