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    LDUBS reacted to oilsmoke's post in the thread Plant Based Food with Like Like.
    I read somewhere that a good nit of these new plant based meats are worse for you than real beef. I tried a burger once not knowing...
    LDUBS reacted to OldSailor85's post in the thread Plant Based Food with Like Like.
    Welcome to the zipper club! Congratulations, you survived. How long ago was your bypass surgery? I had the same, a triple bypass...
    LDUBS reacted to Ray Clark's post in the thread POST YOUR PIC'S FISHING GALLERY....... with Like Like.
    Caught this walleye last Thursday morning on Eagle Lake in NW Ontario. PB at 29 1/2". Caught with a bottom bouncer rigged with a lindy...
    LDUBS replied to the thread Think it was time. 😁.
    Those slicked back hair styles are all the rage I hear! A Little Dab'll Do Ya. :)
    LDUBS reacted to FuzzyGrub's post in the thread Water uplift tube extension? with Like Like.
    I don’t think copper and aluminum play well together. The aluminum looses the battle. If I recall correctly, the Mercruser alpha gen 2...
    LDUBS reacted to Bailey Boat's post in the thread Water uplift tube extension? with Like Like.
    I wouldn't use copper. Notice that there are NO other copper fittings to be found in an engine??? Must be a reason for that. Find a...
    LDUBS reacted to GTS225's post in the thread Wiley Coyote with Like Like.
    The world is full of stupid people. Feral cats will breed like crazy, and just increase the cascading problem(s). The town better get...
    LDUBS replied to the thread Removing Foam from Bench Seats.
    I am going to guess that the foam in the seat boxes is more about floatation than structural.
    LDUBS replied to the thread Funnies.
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    LDUBS replied to the thread Funnies.
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    LDUBS replied to the thread Funnies.
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    LDUBS replied to the thread Best floor for tinnie.
    I read about a product called Coosa board. Light, strong, and used for decks, transoms, etc. When you see the cost you might...
    Just a couple observations here...the operator probably turned the seat sideways to steer, but that seat could be moved or replaced to...
    LDUBS reacted to flatheadsteve's post in the thread Plant Based Food with Like Like.
    Few years ago I was almost 260lbs. I went on what was essentially a modified keto/carnivore diet and lost 65lbs. My bloodwork before...
    LDUBS reacted to airshot's post in the thread Plant Based Food with Like Like.
    I am one that needs to watch his diet, heart attack and triple bypass from my arthritus, not from poor diet. There are plenty of ways...