Recent content by Ronbedard57

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  1. R

    14 ft boat anchor/line management?

    HI I have one of those canvas buckets like the linemen use as tool bags. I coil the line in as the previous poster described, and the anchor and chain go in on top. Looks sufficiently nautical too.
  2. R

    Biodegradable 2-stroke oil

    Hi, The motor is always tuned pretty well, and I didn't really see any change in performance when I changed from the Wally-world stuff. Like I said though, the boat wasn't on the water very often this year. She's sleeping now, so I guess I'll learn more next season. Thanks
  3. R

    Biodegradable 2-stroke oil

    Hello all, i ran with biodegradable 2-stroke oil in my 40hp '62 Johnson this year. Pretty crummy weekend weather, so I couldn't form much of an opinion. I really want this to work, as I'm conscious of the impact I'm having on the air and water. I figure I'm scoring a few points for running...
  4. R

    Power trim?

    think I'll install passive trim tabs in the spring. Short money compared to any of the powered options. Had'em before, and they worked pretty well. These newer ones have a pin that can lock them flat for when you don't need them quite so badly. Thanks all.
  5. R

    Power trim?

    I run a 60's vintage 40hp Johnson on a 14' Arkansas Traveler aluminum double cockpit runabout. The transom is narrow, so there's not much flotation aft. I moved the battery forward to improve the trim, but it still takes a while to get on plane when there are passengers in the rear cockpit. I...
  6. R

    Bottom Painting Aluminum Boats

    Amen to Rustoleum top coat.
  7. R

    Polishing Aluminum

    Hi, If the diameter of the wheel has been made significantly smaller, you may find that a slight increase in revs may be necessary.
  8. R

    Question on fuel tank venting as gas is drawn

    You can buy the parts to re-hab that venting push-pin mechanism.
  9. R

    Arkansas Traveller DUT-14HD

    Pretty! If there are holes in the area where a windscreen would have been, then I'd look for one to mount there. They're not impossible to find used, and new ones aren't outrageously expensive. The wooden gunnels look rough but they might clean up OK. New stock (white oak is good) wouldn't...
  10. R

    Early Aero-Craft model K Racing Hull

    Very cool A candidate for a bright polish job if I ever saw one.
  11. R

    Unpainted aluminum hull issues

    Hi The Turtle Wax spray and wipe stuff is what I have on hand for the cars. It is easy to use, and works well enough on the boat so I haven’t searched for anything else. Wiping down with a beach towel when the boat is first pulled up the ramp helps minimize the water spots.
  12. R

    Long Rivets through transom

    Here's the MSC part number for 2" solid aluminum brazier head rivets. MSC-67620401 I knew I'd be needing a variety of lengths to restore my boat, (including a new transom) so I bought a box of 2" and cut them to fit. I was able to add a 1/4" aluminum plate to the outside of the transom for...
  13. R

    Long Rivets through transom

    Hi I replaced a rotted transom and used solid rivets and washers like the originals. I’ll get you the vendor info.
  14. R

    Bow Dents Fixable

    I'm not one for leaving well enough alone. Looks like you could prop the boat on its side and holding a backing iron against the outside, tap those deformations from the inside. Work from the edges toward the deepest part of the dents. I'll bet you can make a considerable improvement.