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  1. R

    72 johnson 20hp broke on me need help please....

    Oh and while I am here, how do I know what way the impeller should get twisted back into the housing? when i am looking down at the gearcase should i spin it counterclockwise OR clockwise?
  2. R

    72 johnson 20hp broke on me need help please....

    Still trying to fix the gearcase, unfortunately... As I went to start my reassembly, I watched a few YouTube vids so I had a clear idea of what I needed to do. Then I came across this issue and I again, have no fracking clue what this guy did to this motor and how I should try to fix it? I am...
  3. R

    72 johnson 20hp broke on me need help please....

    So I really need to stop taking this POS apart!!! My shift shaft is bent... got a new one on order... this motor is killing my fishing fund... 😭
  4. R

    72 johnson 20hp broke on me need help please....

    So I got the lower unit seal kit by Sierra to replace all the seals/o-rings. If the shaft Oring is in the kit, I will be replacing it. If it is not let me know what part# it is and I will get one. Here is a link to the diagram for my motor...
  5. R

    72 johnson 20hp broke on me need help please....

    My inner exhaust tube looks GREAT!!! And the was no gasket in the housing either. Man when I buy a fixer upper it's NO JOKE!!!
  6. R

    72 johnson 20hp broke on me need help please....

    Hey Pappy, so as far as teaching me how to know the drives are in gear it might be a bit. I have decided that since the Jack wagon that sold me this motor in such yucky shape, i need to take it all apart. I have the motor off and the exhaust housing almost apart now. This thing is DIRTY and...
  7. R

    72 johnson 20hp broke on me need help please....

    Thanks for the info Pappy I appreciate the help...!!! I looked on my shifter and I have a pinch clamp type adjustment I found. That might be what you're talking about on my motor. I will attach a pic... Ok, so with that bit of wear that you see. I don't know if that was there or if I did it...
  8. R

    72 johnson 20hp broke on me need help please....

    Well I have no idea where I would find a shift adjustment? I will have to look for it in the diagrams to have a chance at finding it. I think it jumped out of gear because it was very jumpy when I first tried to hold it in place. As for the forward gear? I cant tell the difference between...
  9. R

    72 johnson 20hp broke on me need help please....

    So on the propeller shaft i have, it doesn't have the hole in it for the ball dents and the spring? Also my shift dog doesn't have any indentations to accept the ball detents. I assume this is why my motor pops out of gear when I am moving. Does my motor require the dents on the propeller shaft...
  10. R

    72 johnson 20hp broke on me need help please....

    Ok so I don't think i got the linkage set right. It didn't want to go into forward and stay there. I may have had it to compressed/short to engage forward properly. I felt it rattling my hand on the lever at first so I want sure if it was stripped or miss aligned. I decided to stop the motor...
  11. R

    72 johnson 20hp broke on me need help please....

    So when I removed the cover to access the shift link, it was definitely not attached. The lower shift rod was free of the bracket that attaches them together. So a quick alignment and tightening and its back together. THANKS FOR THE INFO!!! Gotta run to the lake again to test it. Fingers crossed...
  12. R

    72 johnson 20hp broke on me need help please....

    I didn't change anything there. I only messed with the magneto, plugs and wires.... I'll need to look at the brass shift rod? I plan on starting to disassemble the gear case today. But I wouldn't know what to look for when I get inside?
  13. R

    72 johnson 20hp broke on me need help please....

    So I recently fixed the electrical problem on my 20 hp. It runs pretty damn good now and starts really well. I went to the lake today to test her out and all went well till I opened her up. It had a little hesitation to get moving but I got to speed and off i went. The motor seemed to skip and...
  14. R

    Well i had to try....

    So I used the high heat JB weld. Though after some research the average running temp is well below what I thought and shouldn't cause me any issues. I had spark on 1 plug. I knoticed the magneto shifted a quiet a bit and I never opened the second point. This was my first option and So far so...
  15. R

    Well i had to try....

    Tried my best to keep it clean and tight. Knowing there are moving parts around I wanted to be sure it wasn't going to be in the way. Not a machinist, though I have access to use a CNC router. So I did measure, draw and cut the part. So far it worked!!! I was waiting to fix my spark plug...