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  1. Stevum

    Looking at new boats

    Amen to that OldSailor85 !!
  2. Stevum

    Looking at new boats

    Loose screw, So do you expect to have the Supermarket knock 50% off the items in your cart @ checkout? That's basically what you're saying. When I offer any item for sale I determine what I would feel comfortable paying for it as a buyer. If the person is sincere & respectful I may drop the...
  3. Stevum

    Looking at new boats

    Quote..."In some places if you sell it for over a certain amount as a complete boat you could be held liable for any problems it may have." - I don't know which area you're speaking of that has this rider on a private sale between two consenting adults. I always include on the bill of...
  4. Stevum

    Looking at new boats

    "The seller of the clean one wouldn't get off his $1,500 price which is likely what the boat cost new in 1993 when it was new. To its credit though it is super clean with no corrosion or damage but its been listed for that same price now for four years with no takers."- Your quote. So you're...
  5. Stevum

    Curly Alumacraft F 50’s ? Older?

    Melissa, Congratulations on your excellent find. I couple of years ago I purchased a very same model. Unfortunately, it had been severely damaged in a high wind storm (boat flipped off the trailer & caved in the gunwales) but I got a great trailer out of the $100 deal. I think the steering wheel...
  6. Stevum


  7. Stevum

    12' Flat-Bottomed upgrade

    Pathunter, Sorry but I have to disagree on your advice for not purchasing a boat manufactured before 2000. I personally have owned, repaired & refurbished 53 boats in my 64 years. The 12 - 14' tinny's from the late 50's, 60's & 70's are usually built from a heavier gauge aluminum that holds up...
  8. Stevum

    Boat 1 - 12' V-Bottom

    Grummy, Wow, that is one super clean looking outfit & congratulations on the low priced score. It's the little things like the conduit to protect your wiring that really makes it obvious you took some time to plan things out. I like the fact that your battery & fuel tank are located a decent...
  9. Stevum

    Where do most people go to sell a used aluminum boat these days?

    Here's a few examples of their decals.
  10. Stevum

    Where do most people go to sell a used aluminum boat these days?

    I personally have had great luck on-line by listing boats I have refurbished on both FBMP & CL simultaneously. The one thing I've seen a lot of rookies do is not having a detailed description of the basic boat & trailer + all the accessories that you will include in the deal. If you do not have...
  11. Stevum

    Adding a drain plug.

    DaleH, Thanks for the stated in my post I was looking for a quick & cheap solution to the problem. I know you're not supposed to use treated lumber that will contact aluminum as it is also corrosive. How quickly does this process occur & to what extent? Are we talking something like...
  12. Stevum

    Adding a drain plug.

    I had to install a drain plug on 2 aluminum boats that I have owned. The most convenient & economical method I used was to take the plug style you intend to use with you to the hardware store & find a small connection fitting of PVC that fits the outside diameter of your plug along with a nut...
  13. Stevum

    Dam Beavers!

    Very clever & well written response to the group of pencil pushers who may not have even seen or know what a dam beaver is. I'll bet this left them scratching their......"heads"?
  14. Stevum

    Hello All Members!

    I thank you for letting me become a member in your Forum. I live in the Midwest where we fortunately have thousands of public lakes & reservoirs to provide great boating & fishing opportunities. Private stock dams are great too after obtaining permission to visit them. Yesterday I purchased a...