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  • wmk0002
    wmk0002 reacted to Pappy's post in the thread Outboard pre-start warm up… Harmful? with Like Like.
    Always nicer to start the engine at home and verify. Keeps you from being "That Guy" ........ Trus story - Was working a photo shoot...
  • wmk0002
    wmk0002 reacted to MDCrappie's post in the thread Livewell loosing suction on plane with Like Like.
    It's NPSC thread on that fitting. Anyway here is what I use for my "on plane" water supply for my washdown pump. If I want to use while...
  • wmk0002
    wmk0002 replied to the thread Fuel tank venting problem.
    Appreciate the input fellas. I should have cracked the cap first before posting on here. Its somewhat intermittent so it may take a...
  • wmk0002
    wmk0002 reacted to MDCrappie's post in the thread Fuel tank venting problem with Like Like.
    Without modification the EPA caps are designed to always allow air in to the tank, just not back out. This in itself would NOT cause...
  • wmk0002
    wmk0002 reacted to MDCrappie's post in the thread Fuel tank venting problem with Like Like.
    Classic result with an air leak. Do you have push on fitting? Or is the hose clamped to tank and motor? My guess is you have fittings...
  • wmk0002
    wmk0002 reacted to Pappy's post in the thread Fuel tank venting problem with Like Like.
    Not sure you are on the right track with this yet but we dont have enough information at this point. Main reason is that these plastic...
  • wmk0002
    wmk0002 replied to the thread Fuel tank venting problem.
    I feel like it's not allowing air into the tank but I haven't tested it. I've tried squeezing the primer bulb when it acts up and it...
  • wmk0002
    wmk0002 posted the thread Fuel tank venting problem in Motors.
    I probably already know the answer to this, but anyone else had problems with this new style EPA compliant cap? Its what came on the...
    • Moeller Tanki Cap.png
    • Moeller Cap 2.jpg