Putting list together to complete the rebuild


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Well-known member
Sep 19, 2020
Reaction score
Smithville, Texas
Hello everyone, Been having trouble on line so this may be a double post.
My wonderful wife ask me to put together a complete list for finishing my boat in order of importance such as bunk etc. I’m listing and shopping so I have cost of everything.
I’m at the bottom of the hull now. I’ve found some that come with pigment so I can chose color and not have to paint over it. Now I’m cost comparing to Goop Coat it.
Which is a task to apply but I think I have away of mixing in batches.
What can I paint over it with that won’t kill the budget that won’t peel off because of friction?
Bottom boat paint for aluminum boats is costly but will it hold up better that say Rustoleum?
I’ll be painting the sides a little to up to the water line then start with an above the water line different color. I’m going for blue on the bottom and flat gray for the rest of the boat.
While I’m asking I’ll be painting the 40hp Yamaha as well. The head is still in good shape under the cowling it’s Yamaha blue. Previous owner painted the cowling and rest camouflage. The lower unit is almost all worn off and I noticed the scag looking like it has a little corrosion. Anode trim tab is in good shape but looks oxidized. I took it off a while Back and cleaned it up and put it back on. I’m going to go ahead and replace it and make sure where it mount is clean.
But I need to get some paint on it. Doesn’t have to be Yamaha. It could be gray with the boat or some other color that would go with it. Thought about separating the blue and gray with another color but can’t come up with anything that would work.
When it comes to picking paint colors I’m not allowed. My wife don’t want me near those color cards.😂
I appreciate any input as always. Y’all have helped me so much. From me discovering it needs rebuilding when I found the corrosion to the new complete electrical system being done correctly. Which works great by the way and not a single sign of any corrosion. I keep it fuse block and switch panel clean and protected. Recently up graded that and tm batteries to lithium ion and took my 10 year old grandson out Saturday. After dark I flipped one the blue leads and I was told. Wow Gpa that is sick.😂 Wowed the little guy again when I lowered the big green light down in the water then plugged it in the switch panel and it glowed green all underneath the boat.
He was talking pictures and sending them to his mom.
Didn’t catch anything in the power plant lake we were on the cooler end instead of where the hot water discharge is. My Yamaha is waiting on a part we where trolling motor only
And this was safer with a 10 year old in the boat. But we had a lolot of fun and I taught him several things. He thought the way I put punch bait on a treble hook was smart. I told him I didn’t figure it out. I learned from someone else. He said just like I’m learning from you now.
Ok I’ll shut up now.. Sorry for rambling.
Again thanks for any suggestions about the paint.
Hello everyone, Been having trouble on line so this may be a double post.
My wonderful wife ask me to put together a complete list for finishing my boat in order of importance such as bunk etc. I’m listing and shopping so I have cost of everything.
I’m at the bottom of the hull now. I’ve found some that come with pigment so I can chose color and not have to paint over it. Now I’m cost comparing to Goop Coat it.
Which is a task to apply but I think I have away of mixing in batches.
What can I paint over it with that won’t kill the budget that won’t peel off because of friction?
Bottom boat paint for aluminum boats is costly but will it hold up better that say Rustoleum
I’ll be painting the sides a little to up to the water line then start with an above the water line different color. I’m going for blue on the bottom and flat gray for the rest of the boat.

My first thought is does the bottom of the hull need to be painted. Could you just paint from the waterline up? I'm not saying it shouldn't be done. I just wonder if it would look good without having to paint the bottom. Only you can answer that.

While I’m asking I’ll be painting the 40hp Yamaha as well. The head is still in good shape under the cowling it’s Yamaha blue. Previous owner painted the cowling and rest camouflage. The lower unit is almost all worn off and I noticed the scag looking like it has a little corrosion. Anode trim tab is in good shape but looks oxidized. I took it off a while Back and cleaned it up and put it back on. I’m going to go ahead and replace it and make sure where it mount is clean.
But I need to get some paint on it. Doesn’t have to be Yamaha. It could be gray with the boat or some other color that would go with it. Thought about separating the blue and gray with another color but can’t come up with anything that would work.

I would enjoy seeing how to paint an outboard. I hope you share that.

When it comes to picking paint colors I’m not allowed. My wife don’t want me near those color cards.😂

That is probably for the best! :D

I appreciate any input as always. Y’all have helped me so much. From me discovering it needs rebuilding when I found the corrosion to the new complete electrical system being done correctly. Which works great by the way and not a single sign of any corrosion. I keep it fuse block and switch panel clean and protected. Recently up graded that and tm batteries to lithium ion and took my 10 year old grandson out Saturday. After dark I flipped one the blue leads and I was told. Wow Gpa that is sick.😂 Wowed the little guy again when I lowered the big green light down in the water then plugged it in the switch panel and it glowed green all underneath the boat.
He was talking pictures and sending them to his mom.
Didn’t catch anything in the power plant lake we were on the cooler end instead of where the hot water discharge is. My Yamaha is waiting on a part we where trolling motor only
And this was safer with a 10 year old in the boat. But we had a lolot of fun and I taught him several things. He thought the way I put punch bait on a treble hook was smart. I told him I didn’t figure it out. I learned from someone else. He said just like I’m learning from you now.
Ok I’ll shut up now.. Sorry for rambling.
Again thanks for any suggestions about the paint.

Well done!
If the paint on the outboard looks good yet, just a good wipe down with wax and degreaser remover then scuff it good witih some 600 grit. Then you can paint with just about anything you like. They do have some nice paints in rattle cans now. Others will disagree with this, but I wouldn't think twice about putting 2K clear on it as a topcoat.
My first thought is does the bottom of the hull need to be painted. Could you just paint from the waterline up? I'm not saying it shouldn't be done. I just wonder if it would look good without having to paint the bottom. Only you can answer that.

I would enjoy seeing how to paint an outboard. I hope you share that.

That is probably for the best! :D

Well done!
When I got the boat the bottom had a thick black coating. Didn’t take long it started to chip off. Every time I took it out more came off.
I thought it would be a good idea to strip it and coat it with something to protect it. They have some nice stuff and it makes the hull slick too. But it’s all expensive. Everything I looked at requires two or three coats and the bottom of the boat is 80 square feet. If I don’t do a couple feet of the bow that stays out of the water I’ll have 70 square feet to do. Which a quart isn’t enough and a gallon is to much. Maybe I’ve been watching to many videos. I fish pretty much open water but do go into creeks. And don’t forget to time I was idling at night and slide right up on a sandy point.
After looking at stuff like Steel Flex to Goop Coat it. I’m now leaning towards touching up any aluminum I see.

I had a leak last week on the water. The first time since I’ve had it. Wasn’t bad enough to stop fishing. After a couple of hours I walked to the back of the boat were my fishing buddy was sitting. And my weight had water running to the stern. He was sitting on the starboard side in front of the drain plug and bilge pump. I out weigh him by twice. He’s a thin guy and I’m more on the healthy side. We both leaned over and the water all ran into the corner.
It was just above the screen on the bilge pump. He couldn’t stand it he reached down and lifted up the float switch until it clicked and the pump sucked the water out. I’m not sure where it came from but we saw suds around the pump when it came on. I’m in the middle of the lake with my boat blowing bubbles out of the back.
After we loaded there wasn’t anyone waiting so I stopped still on the ramp slope and pulled the plug. About a quart or two water ran out.
The next day I found out the flooring system I installed worked. I had carpet 8 screws and plywood removed down to aluminum in 20 minutes.
I was going to run a hose in the boat for a while not enough to put to much weight on the trailer. Then using the trailer jack move the water around in the boat until I saw the leak coming from underneath the boat. Before running the water l grabbed the plug to put it in and noticed it looked a little tired. Then I remembered when we launched I parked the truck and while standing on the dock I saw a little water in the boat around the plug. I figured my partner rinsed his hands or something and got the a little water in the boat.
I put the plug in and raised the jack in the front and ran enough water to put about 2” in the corner. Low and behold the plug had a steady drip coming from it. But I also noticed in the front underneath where the coating had come of and spots where the paint was gone. I couldn’t tell if I was looking at dull aluminum or some kind of filling. One spot though was like a slice that went into the aluminum. I slammed some water weld on it. I carry it in the boat but never used the stuff.
Bought two new plugs. One twist type and one like my old one with the snap over end. The drain hole looks a little out of shape so I put the twist type plug inside the boat. After taking my grandson there wasn’t any water in the boat.
I’m a little bothered by the fact of the fact of how much water the boat will take on before float The switch since I’m usually on the front deck and go solo. But I did install a 1500 gph pump in the 16’ flat bottom.
While doing this I noticed 90% on the coating gone from bow to stern. I haven’t crawled around on my back checking for patches because I would have noticed from the inside when I took it down to bare aluminum.
These other spots that are questionable are under the bow deck which I haven’t touched but it’s next. I have two weeks to get it done weather permitting.
I’m making the first of three trips just me and my grandson I missed a lot of him growing up so he doesn’t know me that well yet. I’m letting him bring his cousin so he’ll be more comfortable on our first trip. The weekend of the 24th and 25th. Then schedule another trip with two more grandsons and a third because my youngest daughter said she would love to spend the time with me. This time a grand daughter will come. Her mom and I are going to see how she takes to fishing and the boat.

The lower unit on the outboard is the farther down you look the less paint there is. The scag is dull and pitting a little. The anode trim tab doesn’t look worn but it’s surface looks dull and spotty.
I’m going to take it off and clean it up as well as where it makes contact.
Or should I just replace it with the oem zinc?
When I got the boat the bottom had a thick black coating. Didn’t take long it started to chip off. Every time I took it out more came off.
I thought it would be a good idea to strip it and coat it with something to protect it. They have some nice stuff and it makes the hull slick too. But it’s all expensive. Everything I looked at requires two or three coats and the bottom of the boat is 80 square feet. If I don’t do a couple feet of the bow that stays out of the water I’ll have 70 square feet to do. Which a quart isn’t enough and a gallon is to much. Maybe I’ve been watching to many videos. I fish pretty much open water but do go into creeks. And don’t forget to time I was idling at night and slide right up on a sandy point.
After looking at stuff like Steel Flex to Goop Coat it. I’m now leaning towards touching up any aluminum I see.

That seems like a good plan. Less work for sure. To me painting the bottom is for looks more so than protection. I mean you could go bare aluminum and be good. So in my mind it is really up to you.

I had a leak last week on the water. The first time since I’ve had it. Wasn’t bad enough to stop fishing. After a couple of hours I walked to the back of the boat were my fishing buddy was sitting. And my weight had water running to the stern. He was sitting on the starboard side in front of the drain plug and bilge pump. I out weigh him by twice. He’s a thin guy and I’m more on the healthy side. We both leaned over and the water all ran into the corner.
It was just above the screen on the bilge pump. He couldn’t stand it he reached down and lifted up the float switch until it clicked and the pump sucked the water out. I’m not sure where it came from but we saw suds around the pump when it came on. I’m in the middle of the lake with my boat blowing bubbles out of the back.
After we loaded there wasn’t anyone waiting so I stopped still on the ramp slope and pulled the plug. About a quart or two water ran out.
The next day I found out the flooring system I installed worked. I had carpet 8 screws and plywood removed down to aluminum in 20 minutes.
I was going to run a hose in the boat for a while not enough to put to much weight on the trailer. Then using the trailer jack move the water around in the boat until I saw the leak coming from underneath the boat. Before running the water l grabbed the plug to put it in and noticed it looked a little tired. Then I remembered when we launched I parked the truck and while standing on the dock I saw a little water in the boat around the plug. I figured my partner rinsed his hands or something and got the a little water in the boat.
I put the plug in and raised the jack in the front and ran enough water to put about 2” in the corner. Low and behold the plug had a steady drip coming from it. But I also noticed in the front underneath where the coating had come of and spots where the paint was gone. I couldn’t tell if I was looking at dull aluminum or some kind of filling. One spot though was like a slice that went into the aluminum. I slammed some water weld on it. I carry it in the boat but never used the stuff.
Bought two new plugs. One twist type and one like my old one with the snap over end. The drain hole looks a little out of shape so I put the twist type plug inside the boat. After taking my grandson there wasn’t any water in the boat.
I’m a little bothered by the fact of the fact of how much water the boat will take on before float The switch since I’m usually on the front deck and go solo. But I did install a 1500 gph pump in the 16’ flat bottom.

Nice when a potential problem turns into something simple like a worn drain plug!

I’m making the first of three trips just me and my grandson I missed a lot of him growing up so he doesn’t know me that well yet. I’m letting him bring his cousin so he’ll be more comfortable on our first trip. The weekend of the 24th and 25th. Then schedule another trip with two more grandsons and a third because my youngest daughter said she would love to spend the time with me. This time a grand daughter will come. Her mom and I are going to see how she takes to fishing and the boat.

Awesome - enjoy!

The lower unit on the outboard is the farther down you look the less paint there is. The scag is dull and pitting a little. The anode trim tab doesn’t look worn but it’s surface looks dull and spotty.
I’m going to take it off and clean it up as well as where it makes contact.
Or should I just replace it with the oem zinc?

As I say frequently on these forums, I'm no expert. I'm assuming it isn't a high ticket item. I would replace any worn zinc as part of routine maintenance.
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If the paint on the outboard looks good yet, just a good wipe down with wax and degreaser remover then scuff it good witih some 600 grit. Then you can paint with just about anything you like. They do have some nice paints in rattle cans now. Others will disagree with this, but I wouldn't think twice about putting 2K clear on it as a topcoat.
The power head itself looks good after I cleaned it up there’s a couple of small spots that had corrosion. After a good detailed cleaning (I’m talking down to using qtips) I hit the whole thing with fluid film. Yes it’s a little messy if you have to do anything to it later but I put on some nitrile gloves and check that fuel filter. It lasted a year last time staying clean as a whistle. Until I went night fishing and I had bought the wrong stern light. I was thinking as long as it’s above the outboard it can be seen and it’s legal. That short led light kept me blinded not to mention heading to the ramp sitting right next to it. The next morning I removed the cowling and the power head had bugs stuck all over it.
Yea right now the cowling down was painted. Someone tried to do a camouflage job but it’s all coming off. I can see Yamaha blue in some areas but the cavitation plate down to the scag is aluminum showing.
My son wants me to paint the boat bright red and the outboard black.
I said nope it ain’t no Mercury. Which is all I had in the past this is my first Yamaha.
The boats kind of a sand color. I hit a few spots with khaki and it looks completely different. I’d like to paint it a flat gray. Like battle ship gray. Rustoleum has a coastal gray I like. I painted the floor between the rear sit and transom because I didn’t put any flooring in that area. It’s been a year and holding up to 5 gallon buckets with cast nets and drift socks being thrown around. Even an occasional fuel spray when hooking up or unhooking the fuel fitting to the outboard. Rest of the boat I put a new floor with gray carpet.
Here’s a thought. I bet if I paint the outboard hot pink every one on the lake will know who I am. Of course my fishing partner may stop going with me.😂
That seems like a good plan. Less work for sure. To me painting the bottom is for looks more so than protection. I mean you could go bare aluminum and be good. So in my mind it is really up to you.

Nice when a potential problem turns into something simple like a worn drain plug!

Awesome - enjoy!

As I say frequently on these forums, I'm no expert. I'm assuming it isn't a high ticket item. I would replace any worn zinc as part of routine maintenance.
The new OEM trim tab will be here the 15th. I got to thinking I’ve already cleaned it once I need one that I know is doing it’s job.
If the paint on the outboard looks good yet, just a good wipe down with wax and degreaser remover then scuff it good witih some 600 grit. Then you can paint with just about anything you like. They do have some nice paints in rattle cans now. Others will disagree with this, but I wouldn't think twice about putting 2K clear on it as a topcoat.
I had an old 14’ Sears v hull I traded a 22 for. I sold it to a man and he was so happy for sentimental reasons he explained to me. I used rattle cans and here’s what it looks like now.
I had an old 14’ Sears v hull I traded a 22 for. I sold it to a man and he was so happy for sentimental reasons he explained to me. I used rattle cans and here’s what it looks like now.
View attachment 119044View attachment 119045
Looks great! I am a fan of the shark nose, but I have a soft spot for that tho as my Dad was in China with the Flying Tigers durning WWII.
Hello everyone, Been having trouble on line so this may be a double post.
My wonderful wife ask me to put together a complete list for finishing my boat in order of importance such as bunk etc. I’m listing and shopping so I have cost of everything.
I’m at the bottom of the hull now. I’ve found some that come with pigment so I can chose color and not have to paint over it. Now I’m cost comparing to Goop Coat it.
Which is a task to apply but I think I have away of mixing in batches.
What can I paint over it with that won’t kill the budget that won’t peel off because of friction?
Bottom boat paint for aluminum boats is costly but will it hold up better that say Rustoleum?
I’ll be painting the sides a little to up to the water line then start with an above the water line different color. I’m going for blue on the bottom and flat gray for the rest of the boat.
While I’m asking I’ll be painting the 40hp Yamaha as well. The head is still in good shape under the cowling it’s Yamaha blue. Previous owner painted the cowling and rest camouflage. The lower unit is almost all worn off and I noticed the scag looking like it has a little corrosion. Anode trim tab is in good shape but looks oxidized. I took it off a while Back and cleaned it up and put it back on. I’m going to go ahead and replace it and make sure where it mount is clean.
But I need to get some paint on it. Doesn’t have to be Yamaha. It could be gray with the boat or some other color that would go with it. Thought about separating the blue and gray with another color but can’t come up with anything that would work.
When it comes to picking paint colors I’m not allowed. My wife don’t want me near those color cards.😂
I appreciate any input as always. Y’all have helped me so much. From me discovering it needs rebuilding when I found the corrosion to the new complete electrical system being done correctly. Which works great by the way and not a single sign of any corrosion. I keep it fuse block and switch panel clean and protected. Recently up graded that and tm batteries to lithium ion and took my 10 year old grandson out Saturday. After dark I flipped one the blue leads and I was told. Wow Gpa that is sick.😂 Wowed the little guy again when I lowered the big green light down in the water then plugged it in the switch panel and it glowed green all underneath the boat.
He was talking pictures and sending them to his mom.
Didn’t catch anything in the power plant lake we were on the cooler end instead of where the hot water discharge is. My Yamaha is waiting on a part we where trolling motor only
And this was safer with a 10 year old in the boat. But we had a lolot of fun and I taught him several things. He thought the way I put punch bait on a treble hook was smart. I told him I didn’t figure it out. I learned from someone else. He said just like I’m learning from you now.
Ok I’ll shut up now.. Sorry for rambling.
Again thanks for any suggestions about the paint.
Doug, You win the longest singe post award.
When I got the boat the bottom had a thick black coating. Didn’t take long it started to chip off. Every time I took it out more came off.
I thought it would be a good idea to strip it and coat it with something to protect it. They have some nice stuff and it makes the hull slick too. But it’s all expensive. Everything I looked at requires two or three coats and the bottom of the boat is 80 square feet. If I don’t do a couple feet of the bow that stays out of the water I’ll have 70 square feet to do. Which a quart isn’t enough and a gallon is to much. Maybe I’ve been watching to many videos. I fish pretty much open water but do go into creeks. And don’t forget to time I was idling at night and slide right up on a sandy point.
After looking at stuff like Steel Flex to Goop Coat it. I’m now leaning towards touching up any aluminum I see.

I had a leak last week on the water. The first time since I’ve had it. Wasn’t bad enough to stop fishing. After a couple of hours I walked to the back of the boat were my fishing buddy was sitting. And my weight had water running to the stern. He was sitting on the starboard side in front of the drain plug and bilge pump. I out weigh him by twice. He’s a thin guy and I’m more on the healthy side. We both leaned over and the water all ran into the corner.
It was just above the screen on the bilge pump. He couldn’t stand it he reached down and lifted up the float switch until it clicked and the pump sucked the water out. I’m not sure where it came from but we saw suds around the pump when it came on. I’m in the middle of the lake with my boat blowing bubbles out of the back.
After we loaded there wasn’t anyone waiting so I stopped still on the ramp slope and pulled the plug. About a quart or two water ran out.
The next day I found out the flooring system I installed worked. I had carpet 8 screws and plywood removed down to aluminum in 20 minutes.
I was going to run a hose in the boat for a while not enough to put to much weight on the trailer. Then using the trailer jack move the water around in the boat until I saw the leak coming from underneath the boat. Before running the water l grabbed the plug to put it in and noticed it looked a little tired. Then I remembered when we launched I parked the truck and while standing on the dock I saw a little water in the boat around the plug. I figured my partner rinsed his hands or something and got the a little water in the boat.
I put the plug in and raised the jack in the front and ran enough water to put about 2” in the corner. Low and behold the plug had a steady drip coming from it. But I also noticed in the front underneath where the coating had come of and spots where the paint was gone. I couldn’t tell if I was looking at dull aluminum or some kind of filling. One spot though was like a slice that went into the aluminum. I slammed some water weld on it. I carry it in the boat but never used the stuff.
Bought two new plugs. One twist type and one like my old one with the snap over end. The drain hole looks a little out of shape so I put the twist type plug inside the boat. After taking my grandson there wasn’t any water in the boat.
I’m a little bothered by the fact of the fact of how much water the boat will take on before float The switch since I’m usually on the front deck and go solo. But I did install a 1500 gph pump in the 16’ flat bottom.
While doing this I noticed 90% on the coating gone from bow to stern. I haven’t crawled around on my back checking for patches because I would have noticed from the inside when I took it down to bare aluminum.
These other spots that are questionable are under the bow deck which I haven’t touched but it’s next. I have two weeks to get it done weather permitting.
I’m making the first of three trips just me and my grandson I missed a lot of him growing up so he doesn’t know me that well yet. I’m letting him bring his cousin so he’ll be more comfortable on our first trip. The weekend of the 24th and 25th. Then schedule another trip with two more grandsons and a third because my youngest daughter said she would love to spend the time with me. This time a grand daughter will come. Her mom and I are going to see how she takes to fishing and the boat.

The lower unit on the outboard is the farther down you look the less paint there is. The scag is dull and pitting a little. The anode trim tab doesn’t look worn but it’s surface looks dull and spotty.
I’m going to take it off and clean it up as well as where it makes contact.
Or should I just replace it with the oem zinc?
Doug, You win the longest singe post award.
Well. My wife’s tired of hearing about the boat. All my friends no better than to ask about the boat or fishing except the one that fishes with me.
When I’m excited about something I’ll ramble on. I’ve tried to keep my post shorter but keep thinking of things I want to share. One takes me to another and that one takes me to another and so on. I’m already thinking about something to tell y’all. I got this new prop today ………..just kidding.
You keep a tight line sir.
When I got the boat the bottom had a thick black coating. Didn’t take long it started to chip off. Every time I took it out more came off.
I thought it would be a good idea to strip it and coat it with something to protect it. They have some nice stuff and it makes the hull slick too. But it’s all expensive. Everything I looked at requires two or three coats and the bottom of the boat is 80 square feet. If I don’t do a couple feet of the bow that stays out of the water I’ll have 70 square feet to do. Which a quart isn’t enough and a gallon is to much. Maybe I’ve been watching to many videos. I fish pretty much open water but do go into creeks. And don’t forget to time I was idling at night and slide right up on a sandy point.
After looking at stuff like Steel Flex to Goop Coat it. I’m now leaning towards touching up any aluminum I see.

I had a leak last week on the water. The first time since I’ve had it. Wasn’t bad enough to stop fishing. After a couple of hours I walked to the back of the boat were my fishing buddy was sitting. And my weight had water running to the stern. He was sitting on the starboard side in front of the drain plug and bilge pump. I out weigh him by twice. He’s a thin guy and I’m more on the healthy side. We both leaned over and the water all ran into the corner.
It was just above the screen on the bilge pump. He couldn’t stand it he reached down and lifted up the float switch until it clicked and the pump sucked the water out. I’m not sure where it came from but we saw suds around the pump when it came on. I’m in the middle of the lake with my boat blowing bubbles out of the back.
After we loaded there wasn’t anyone waiting so I stopped still on the ramp slope and pulled the plug. About a quart or two water ran out.
The next day I found out the flooring system I installed worked. I had carpet 8 screws and plywood removed down to aluminum in 20 minutes.
I was going to run a hose in the boat for a while not enough to put to much weight on the trailer. Then using the trailer jack move the water around in the boat until I saw the leak coming from underneath the boat. Before running the water l grabbed the plug to put it in and noticed it looked a little tired. Then I remembered when we launched I parked the truck and while standing on the dock I saw a little water in the boat around the plug. I figured my partner rinsed his hands or something and got the a little water in the boat.
I put the plug in and raised the jack in the front and ran enough water to put about 2” in the corner. Low and behold the plug had a steady drip coming from it. But I also noticed in the front underneath where the coating had come of and spots where the paint was gone. I couldn’t tell if I was looking at dull aluminum or some kind of filling. One spot though was like a slice that went into the aluminum. I slammed some water weld on it. I carry it in the boat but never used the stuff.
Bought two new plugs. One twist type and one like my old one with the snap over end. The drain hole looks a little out of shape so I put the twist type plug inside the boat. After taking my grandson there wasn’t any water in the boat.
I’m a little bothered by the fact of the fact of how much water the boat will take on before float The switch since I’m usually on the front deck and go solo. But I did install a 1500 gph pump in the 16’ flat bottom.
While doing this I noticed 90% on the coating gone from bow to stern. I haven’t crawled around on my back checking for patches because I would have noticed from the inside when I took it down to bare aluminum.
These other spots that are questionable are under the bow deck which I haven’t touched but it’s next. I have two weeks to get it done weather permitting.
I’m making the first of three trips just me and my grandson I missed a lot of him growing up so he doesn’t know me that well yet. I’m letting him bring his cousin so he’ll be more comfortable on our first trip. The weekend of the 24th and 25th. Then schedule another trip with two more grandsons and a third because my youngest daughter said she would love to spend the time with me. This time a grand daughter will come. Her mom and I are going to see how she takes to fishing and the boat.

The lower unit on the outboard is the farther down you look the less paint there is. The scag is dull and pitting a little. The anode trim tab doesn’t look worn but it’s surface looks dull and spotty.
I’m going to take it off and clean it up as well as where it makes contact.
Or should I just replace it with the oem zinc?
I noticed you mentioned a "1500 gallon bilge pump". My experience tells me you probably need a 36V battery setup if you feel you need that much pump. That same pump is probably 250-300GPH on a regular 12V system.
I noticed you mentioned a "1500 gallon bilge pump". My experience tells me you probably need a 36V battery setup if you feel you need that much pump. That same pump is probably 250-300GPH on a regular 12V system.

12 Volts is fine for 1500 gph. Pulls less than 5 Amps

Note; Pumping capacity varies with discharge head.

The below is for a Rule pump.


  • Activation Method: Float switch or panel switch required (sold separately).
  • Hose Size: Fits 1 1/8" ID hose.
  • Dimensions: 6"H x 4 1/4"W.
  • Amperage: 4.8A @ 12V DC.
  • Required Fuse: 10A (sold separately).
  • Certifications: CE and ISO 8849.
  • Ignition Protected: Yes.
Capacity (Varies with lift or “head”)

  • Open flow output @ 0m (0'): 1500gph
  • Open flow output @ 1m (3.35'): 1200gph
  • Open flow output @ 2m (6.7'): 680gph
12 Volts is fine for 1500 gph. Pulls less than 5 Amps

Note; Pumping capacity varies with discharge head.

The below is for a Rule pump.


  • Activation Method: Float switch or panel switch required (sold separately).
  • Hose Size: Fits 1 1/8" ID hose.
  • Dimensions: 6"H x 4 1/4"W.
  • Amperage: 4.8A @ 12V DC.
  • Required Fuse: 10A (sold separately).
  • Certifications: CE and ISO 8849.
  • Ignition Protected: Yes.
Capacity (Varies with lift or “head”)

  • Open flow output @ 0m (0'): 1500gph
  • Open flow output @ 1m (3.35'): 1200gph
  • Open flow output @ 2m (6.7'): 680gph
if you notice, its 1500gph at the head. 4-6 feet away its half that capacity because of the lift. 36V system delivers 1500gph at 20 feet
if you notice, its 1500gph at the head. 4-6 feet away its half that capacity because of the lift. 36V system delivers 1500gph at 20 feet

Not many boats here need to pump 20 feet from bilge to waterline. More like 20 inches, bilge to gunwale.

Also a Rule pump. 12 Volt Model RUL-PMP-14A

Uses a 25 Amp fuse. Draws around 15 Amps

2100 gph @ 6.7 feet of head w/12 Volts
2500 gph @ 6.7 feet of head w 13.6 Volts

Hello everyone.
Pump works great. The hole where the plug goes in the boat is a little out of round. If I install the plug from the inside it doesn’t leak a drop.
My partner put the plug in from the wrong side and then he didn’t tighten it very well. We were in a hurry to get on the water and I think me being overly cautious about every little thing as usual was getting on his nerves.
We were on the water mostly trolling for a little over two hours. I happen to look back over the seat and saw the water in the stern. I weigh almost twice as much as he does and me being on the bow the whole time told me there’s water under the floor too. I walked to the back of the boat where he was and the water level went up quite a bit back there. Not enough to trigger the float though. I flipped the switch to manual and it didn’t take long to get rid of the water.
Here’s the kicker. I had washed the boat and rinsed it out of the drain hole next to the pump. I didn’t do a very good job obviously because there was a lot of soap residue.
So where on a very popular bass lake in a 1983 flat bottom with all these big bass boats. We’re trolling along with bubbles coming out the back of the boat. I got to hear several witty comments about the type of propulsion system.

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