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  1. V

    Need help finding rivets, Tracker Grizzly 1648

    wow.... 150 pounds out of the floor? wild.
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    Need help finding rivets, Tracker Grizzly 1648

    @Johnnyboy11 & @airshot knowing what you know now... would you even have removed the deck or just have focused on the rear bench and pod foam?
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    Need help finding rivets, Tracker Grizzly 1648

    @jonnhyboy11 i have deeply searched the internet for others that have removed these floors and you are the only one i can find... so thank you for chiming in here. Any other tips you might give? Recall what sized drill bit/type used to drill the rivets out? What would you do different if in my...
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    Need help finding rivets, Tracker Grizzly 1648

    Johnnyboy11-- I have the same hull and am trying to determine how much of a PITA it will be to remove my floor. What is all involved? is it just drilling out of the factory rivets? do they have to be ground out?