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  1. T

    anybody have a mid or early 80's johnson/evinrude 25\30hp

    Im replacing my charge coil and timerbase. Well i checked the wiring before removing the pins for the charge coil and they were color coded. Got my wires ran and then jumped the gun and pulled my wires for the timerbase before checking..... So now i have two empty holes and dont know which pin...
  2. T

    anyone ordered from

    Well got my parts today. Very pleased. Ordered late Wednesday and they said between the 8-13 so a day early. Everything was packaged nicely. Will be ordering from them again
  3. T

    anyone ordered from

    Im hoping they will be here saturday that way i can run it sunday. If not ill have to wait till Wednesday or Thursday depending on weather
  4. T

    if you were to buy a new 25-40hp, what brand would YOU buy

    If it was just me id probably buy used,my neighbor has an early 90's 40hp evinrude. I thought about trying to beat him out of it. He never uses his boat. But my three year old loves going with me amd my youngest is a year and a half and id like to get him out on it too. But if i can afford new...
  5. T

    anyone ordered from

    All the reviews i read said the shipping was fast. Hopefully it isnt too bad
  6. T

    What should I use for flooring?

    I used contact cement to apply my carpet to my boat. I didnt use wood i applied it to the aluminum. But for the wood it would be the same method just make sure you seal it first. I took a wire wheel to mine to knock off all the chunks.of.left over glue, then wiped it with mineral spirits then...
  7. T

    Country Dave’s Lowe 1752 modification/restoration project.

    They'll hook you up with some good medicine amd you'll be on your feet before ya know it. Boat looks man
  8. T

    anyone ordered from

    Well i heard they had fast shipping, but when customers had lroblems with their order it was almost impossible to get a gold of someone. But they were reccomended by a mechanic. Placed my order about an hour ago.
  9. T

    anyone ordered from

    Heard good and bad about their services. Seems those with good stories are suoer pleased and those with bad stories are really upset. Fixen to order my parts from them so hopefully it goes well
  10. T

    What should I use for flooring?

    Alot of people swear by using spar urethane to seal their decks. You can also use fiberglass resin which "encapsulates" the wood. If it was my.boat id use the resin as im used to working with fiberglass. The aluminum will get super hot in the summer. Not sure where you're from but here in LA it...
  11. T

    differences between flat or v bottom...good & bad??

    You lose "front" space because it comes to a point vs a square front for a flat bottom. To me it was worth it. The deck on my 1648 mod v is super stable. And if they draft the dame like he is claiming then mod v hands down
  12. T

    opinions on new 4 strokes

    My buddy has a 9.9 yamaha and swears by it. Had it three years now and no problems at all. Ethanol is bad for all small engines.
  13. T

    anybody know anything about stators? 86 johnson 25hp

    I planned on replacing the timerbase and the coil lamination assembly. I figured since the flywheel is already off i might as well do both of them, they're not that expensive anyways
  14. T

    anybody know anything about stators? 86 johnson 25hp

    No, i couldnt find a manual to tell me what ohm it should read
  15. T

    anybody know anything about stators? 86 johnson 25hp

    Well im gonna go ahead and order a new lamination and coil because I ve already taken it off and pulled the pins out of the of the powerpack plug. Hooefully getting a new lamination coil and timerbase solves my problem
  16. T

    anybody know anything about stators? 86 johnson 25hp

    Mine is manual start. I thought the stator charged the powerpack, and the charging coil would charge the battery
  17. T

    anybody know anything about stators? 86 johnson 25hp

    Ok gotcha, thanks for the help.
  18. T

    anybody know anything about stators? 86 johnson 25hp

    I would like to know what it it does. Im assuming it charges the powerpack? I was looking at a diagram online and i have been under the impression that that piece was my "stator". But the diagram is telling me its a coil and lamination assembly. Just wanted to know before i replace it. That...
  19. T

    size of trolling motor for your boat?

    I have a 50lb transom mount converted to bow mount on a 1648 mod v and i feel its plenty. I never fish above 5-10mph winds though.
  20. T

    anybody know anything about stators? 86 johnson 25hp

    Can anybody tell me what a coil and lamination assembly is?