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  1. 2ndBassendment

    Sea Ark 1652-SLD Mod

    I like Jimmy Jon and Hi-Tech Redneck. But.... I'm pretty sure that there are about 100,000 boats that beat you to these names. Original is still sounding like the one but for giggles n shits here are a few more.... 1. Corn n Cribbies 2. Hush Puppy Hurst 3. Crabilac Pimppinnnn!!! 4. Bourbons n...
  2. 2ndBassendment

    Sea Ark 1652-SLD Mod

    Man! This is going to be exciting the next week or so seeing this thing finally come together! In lou of this project being nearly completed we started to toss around names for the boat. I know one in particular is in mind but i thought it would be cool if you guys tossed a couple out there. It...
  3. 2ndBassendment

    Sea Ark 1652-SLD Mod

    Hey!!! Slacky Slackerton!!!! Can we get the console complete electrical dry fit and trailer pics? Or would that be too much to ask, lol 8)
  4. 2ndBassendment

    Sea Ark 1652-SLD Mod

    Even being able to hear the plans, see all the new parts, and observe various stages of this build.... I'm still amazed at how kickass this project is turning out! Also, a big thumbs up on how well you have kept the thread updated with progress and pictures. I probably speak for everyone...
  5. 2ndBassendment

    Sea Ark 1652-SLD Mod

    Sea Ark Mod Update, Bassmaster has been acquiring quite a few new toys for the boat. I'm sure he will be including mock up or maybe just parts pics when he gets sometime. I'll hint to a very sharp electronics upgrade for the boat (Lowrance) but you guys have to wait on pics or Bassmaster to...
  6. 2ndBassendment

    Sea Ark 1652-SLD Mod

    I photographed that quality fish and it was better than 6lbs :wink:
  7. 2ndBassendment

    Sea Ark 1652-SLD Mod

    Excuse me, sir. Let's try and keep the thread on topic. [-X Looks good so far, Bassmaster52. Keep up the good work!