I'll be up at ake Harmony next weekend, the 10th to the 13th. In addition to the Schuylkill, Lake Harmony is a new casting ground. Does anyone have any suggestions for what will be active and what baits/lures to use? I did a google search and was suprised to find a lack of results. What do...
Thanks for the worm welcome. I was introduced to this by best friend Leibs16. As far as species go, bass (s&l), walleeye, and well... pretty much anything that provides a similar, if not bigger, rush.
Jim do you fish these parts often?
I recently moved to Conshohocken and never before have i fished the Schuylkill. For the past week i have been going out after work and fishing off the bank under the Fayette Street Bridge. So far no luck. Can anyone give me any tips as to a solid location(s) and effective lures/bait? Thanks...