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  1. Z

    Floatation/foam for tine boat?

    My boat is a 1974 Smokercraft. After 47 years of mice periodically taking up residence under the bench seats of this boat, I'm pretty sure the total amount of floatation is nowhere near what it had when it left the factory. I have a couple questions: 1. What types/type of replacement foam...
  2. Z

    *****HOW MUCH FOAM DO I NEED*****

    Just FYI to the OP - the link in the first post is dead.
  3. Z

    Relocating a battery to the bow?

    My boat is a 14 ft. 1974 Smokercraft with 9.9HP Merc. (2 stroke), factory floor and 4 bench seats. Historically, the battery for the trolling motor and the fuel tank were located in the space between the transom and rear bench. I'm thinking about things that need to be fixed or improved as we...
  4. Z

    Tackle boxes vs. soft-sided bags?

    So I received the Plano tackle bag that I pictured in my original post. It comes with five 3750 boxes - 4 standing vertical, and 1 laying flat on top. I wish Plano would have showed that better in their product images. There is also a 3600 series box for the front pouch (I won't be using that...
  5. Z

    Tackle boxes vs. soft-sided bags?

    Agreed! I called Plano this morning and they told me that the boxes can be turned 90 degrees (on back edge) and fit in this bag. So I committed and ordered one from Cabela's. I will play with it and if it doesn't work as I was told, I'll return it. If it does work, I may even get some of...
  6. Z

    Tackle boxes vs. soft-sided bags?

    Maybe that is my problem...finding "one box or bag to rule them all" may not be achievable. I was never sold on tackle bags early on, mostly because the fabric of the bag wrapped all the way around to the bottom. If I had water, blood, fish slime, dirt, etc. in the bottom of the boat, that bag...
  7. Z

    Tackle boxes vs. soft-sided bags?

    I have a large Plano Guide Elite tackle box that I've never loved. It is an older version of this: I bought it at a time when I was fishing out of larger boats (not mine)...
  8. Z

    Line counter reel? (models as of 2020)

    Where are your Daiwa Lexa's made? I just figured out that the Okuma Convectors are made in China; that may be a deal breaker for me.
  9. Z

    Line counter reel? (models as of 2020)

    Thanks for this! I'm looking at the smallest offerings to go on a 7', medium to medium-heavy power walleye rod. The Daiwa Lexa looks like the next generation of the AccuDepth, but with a mechanical counter instead of digital. The AccuDepth is more expensive as well (maybe due to the...
  10. Z

    Line counter reel? (models as of 2020)

    This forum doesn't seem to get a lot of traffic, but I'll post anyway. I'm in the market for a smaller line counter reel to target walleye in the Great Lakes and upper Midwest areas. I'm looking for suggestions on brands and models to look at, including any past models that may be available on...
  11. Z

    7" fish finder recomendations?

    The options out there are a bit overwhelming but considering this is a small boat for inland lakes, I'm looking at the side-imaging units closer. Looks like this is the one you are talking about: What I don't...
  12. Z

    7" fish finder recomendations?

    I would like to put a nicer fish finder on my boat, and on my wish list. If COVID continues to be something that reduces or eliminates other activities, I see more fishing in my future. I'm looking at Sonar/GPS combo units like a Lowrance Hook Reveal 7 or one of the Humminbird Helix 7...
  13. Z

    Transom plate suggestions?

    I'm continuing to run my Smokercraft as-is and have ideas for some "nice to haves" but should probably focus on things that will need attention sooner than later - like bench seat tops (wood) that are peeling and warping, soft transom plate, etc. My boat has a plywood transom plate that has...
  14. Z

    1998 Johnson 50HP - VRO question

    I'm trying to help a friend. My buddy has a 1998 Johnson 50HP with VRO. I've already seen a number of threads advocating for disabling the VRO system and just mixing oil with the gas. Most seem to have the issue of the system not delivering enough oil, but my friend seems to be having the...
  15. Z

    Getting a 2-stroke to run cleaner?

    This would definitely make me feel better if it is true. I just did a search, and a few articles I find on TCW-3 oils and the environment is this: (I have some reading to do! "Satisfying EPA requirements" is mentioned on the front page, but I would...
  16. Z

    Getting a 2-stroke to run cleaner?

    Glad to know I'm in good company. Thanks Pappy! Thanks for the welcome, and this is the exact type of info I'm looking for. Regarding XD-100 being more environmentally friendly, I see some of the physical attributes mentioned in many places (smokeless, ashless, etc.) but it is usually a...
  17. Z

    Getting a 2-stroke to run cleaner?

    I'm not a hippy-treehugger, but running my newish-to-me motor in a tank at home (50 gal. trash barrel) was a little eye opening on just how dirty a 2-stroke motor can be.  I understand that running a 2-stroke at idle is not running it at peak efficiency, but the oily scum that ended up floating...
  18. Z

    Aluminum Hull Care

    For the interference on the radio, it sounds like you have a RF shielding issue. Try moving wires that go to/from the radio away from other wires. You can also try ferrite noise suppressors. They are the little sleeve you see clipped on some power cords. Like this...
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    Aluminum brazing rod?

    Has anyone ever used aluminum brazing rod in a project other than patching holes? I'm considering a storage box build and would like to make it out of aluminum. My thought is to build a frame out of aluminum tubing or angle, then skin it with aluminum sheet. I'm still thinking about how to...
  20. Z

    Oar storage in a small boat?

    I carry a pair of Caviness wooden oars in my 14' Smokercraft in the event of the main motor breaking down, and if I need to pole or maneuver in really shallow or weedy water.  I also have a 28 lb. thrust trolling motor on the boat.  One issue I struggle with is the space these oars take up in...