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  1. crazymanme2

    Yamaha f20 VS Mercury 20 ELH

    My Merc isn't new (2000)but it weighs 125# (2 stroke)
  2. crazymanme2

    1955 Mercury 55E 40 hp

    I had some old motors I collect & just took a Neg ground rectifier & put it on my 55E.
  3. crazymanme2

    1985 25 hp mercury starter

    Double check your connections.
  4. crazymanme2

    Yamaha f20 VS Mercury 20 ELH

    I have a 25hp Merc 2cyl. & love it.Go with a 25 not a 20.
  5. crazymanme2

    1955 Mercury 55E 40 hp

    Fix is simple,just get a negative ground rectifier.
  6. crazymanme2

    1955 Mercury 55E 40 hp

    Has your motor been switched over to neg. ground?The starter doesn't mater but the rectifier does. [-o<
  7. crazymanme2

    Lost reverse, Mercuy 9.8

    The dogs in the lower unit need to turn until they line up to go into reverse.
  8. crazymanme2

    New boat, motor setting???

    Trim your motor in when you take off & see what happens. Yes I would raise it up to at least level with the bottom.
  9. crazymanme2

    Lost reverse, Mercuy 9.8

  10. crazymanme2

    1955 Mercury 55E 40 hp

    The opening next to the fuel is for the electrical & the other is for adjustments.That's how a doner parts motor is.
  11. crazymanme2

    1955 Mercury 55E 40 hp

    I will answer your questions when I get home to see if mine has those holes.
  12. crazymanme2

    Gas can distance from Motor

    I run a 25 Merc & it pulls fuel 12 feet from the frt with 3/8" line.Like great white mentioned, go up in fuel line size to reduce friction.I have run various motors on this set up with no problems.
  13. crazymanme2

    Trouble with water intake, 1982 Johnson 25 HP

    Sand blast & weld it.
  14. crazymanme2

    1232 Jon with 8 hp Johnson

    You'll be ok with the 8hp.I know people that have 10 or 15 hp on same boat & are ok.
  15. crazymanme2

    1993 Johnson 3hp

    Try splitting it with a cut-off wheel.Might relieve enough pressure to pull it off.
  16. crazymanme2

    Transom stress concerns with bigger motor

    Brace your transom to the side of your boat,very strong.I built extra beefy corner gussets for mine.
  17. crazymanme2

    Think you got troubles.......

    I'm out of gas & so close to home. [-o<