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  1. S

    Where to source specific stainless deck screws?

    Screws, 18-8 Stainless Steel, Number 8 Size, 1-3/4" Long Not fully threaded but pretty close.
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    This doesn’t sound like the behavior of any kayak fishermen that I know. Leaving your yak and gear unattended on a ramp is a good way to have it launched or run over by a trailer. Take photos next time and get them to the local EPOs. Sounds like something that could be solved quickly with some...
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    Question for Rod Builders

    That’s a new one to me. I agree with the others, stripping down to a clean blank is the best route for getting a rod that you are happy with. In my experience, saving the reel seat and grips is not worth the effort but the guides and hook keeper are. PacBay and Netcraft are worth spending some...
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    I'm a Grommet here. This is the boat that drew me in to the Forum. Found it up in Montana. I haven't been able to find out what it is.

    There goes everyone’s weekend… Would be great if you could get the gas tanks below the deck. The bow looks like it could hold a bit but access might be tough. Maybe a step down deck between the seats? I would start looking for a talented TIG welder to help clean up that beauty.
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    I'm a Grommet here. This is the boat that drew me in to the Forum. Found it up in Montana. I haven't been able to find out what it is.

    Google digging found this:
  6. S

    Anyone create FRP Board and Polystyrene sandwich for decking.

    What exactly are you looking for? I have some experience here.
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    Anyone create FRP Board and Polystyrene sandwich for decking.

    Impressive work. You might want to post a photo of the cross section so that you have a record. I’ll be curious to see how it holds up.
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    Project turned into a rebuild.

    If you are worried about water getting in through the T-nut threaded hole, then wouldn’t a compression washer (EMPD) and/or Plumber’s Tape do? Tape would not only plug up where water can get through but also turn T-nut into a locking version.
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    Anyone create FRP Board and Polystyrene sandwich for decking.

    I thought that you were sandwiching insulation foam (pink and blue stuff) between sheets of FRP. That would be a huge weight savings over Coosa and cost savings over decent plywood. Areas where you need to use fasteners or are concerned about impact resistance could be reinforced with plywood...
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    Anyone create FRP Board and Polystyrene sandwich for decking.

    At the risk of over complicating your project (like I do with mine), do you know how fiberglass would work with you adhesive? I remember in a Nidacore sample pack there was a composite that had holes through the core, laced with unidirectional glass. Might be overkill. Looking forward to seeing...
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    Temporary race or training marker maybe?
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    New to me - Starcraft 18' Mariner-V

    I really like the look of the trim on the edge of the gunnels. Clean functional and classy line. I kind of lie the color too but I’m weird that way. :)
  13. S

    Anyone create FRP Board and Polystyrene sandwich for decking.

    Q: IS THIS MATERIAL CUTABLE AND IF SO HOW WOULD YOU CUT byTERRY|Dec 26, 2016 A: Unishear. Not every body has one & they’re not cheap. Very little dust, clean cuts & scrollable ( s-turns ) If you know a good tinknocker (sheetmetal mechanic) see if you can borrow it! They are the ultimate tool...
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    Anyone create FRP Board and Polystyrene sandwich for decking.

    Pulled some Q&A from HD on their product. Says that it is polyester based. Q:Can these panels be glued directly to rigid foam insulation That has been glued to masonry walls? bylando|May 26, 2021 A: Yes. But most rigid foam Insulation has a plastic finish on it and over time the plastic will...
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    Anyone create FRP Board and Polystyrene sandwich for decking.

    Definitely watching this one. I am curious how you plan on testing your composite. I’ve definitely gone the make it and see how it goes route, but with this kind of project I could see there being a lot on excess that could be used as test material. What might be worth trying is adding some...