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  1. E

    Alumacraft 1236 Project

    Damn Max. You got this stuff downb! Im the only 18 year old that works on boats in my town and you are really showing me up. Good work brotha.
  2. E

    Starcraft 14 semiv. Merc 60 or Evinrude 9.5?

    9.5 evinrude. It will smoke less than the 53 and parts arent too hard to come by
  3. E

    Naval Encounter

    Lol. Us mexicans r always late
  4. E

    1992 tracker guide v16

    Does anyone have experience with the floor supports on these older trackers? I really dont feel like bringing up the floor to check them.
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    1971 johson 9.5

    I loved mine. I was trying to figure out why its not pumping water but i cant find the problem. Before that though it ran beautifully. Slowed to a crawl if adjusted just right and ran hard when needed for such a small motor. Always started right up. I also looked into ways to make it run faster...
  6. E

    New motor recommendations

    In terms of parts and survicing check for the nearest outboard dealer to you. I know a guy with the honda 20 and he seems to like it. It weighs 5 pounds lighter than my 20 hp 1989 johnson and whispers like a librarian. The suzukis seem nice too. Their 40 hp is one of the quietest so i can only...
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    Looking for Opinions/Thoughts on Boat Names

    Master baiter. Lol. We got one named the Happy Hooker in my area
  8. E

    1989 20 HP Johnson power upgraded to 25 HP for zero dollars

    Very nice! Im thinking of doing the 10x13 prop myself. Let me inow how it works out
  9. E

    1992 tracker guide v16

    Heres the 2015 etec 40
  10. E

    20 HP Johnson 1985

    Probably. It would be more accurate. An old timer taught me the spray thing. Im not talking a huge spray just enough that it deflects off your finger a little bit. Thats just my way though. Im not a mechanic by any means.
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    20 HP Johnson 1985

    Change the impeller if it doesnt sprey off your hand at about an inch away at idil
  12. E

    need some quick opinions!

    Theres always stick welding. All u need is a torch and good aluminum rod and a good job can be done cleaning the messy welds with a wire brush on a grinder
  13. E

    1992 tracker guide v16

    Here's the last seat on her.
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    1992 tracker guide v16

    Mine has a floor and it is open. The seats are on the sides which leaves the center open. No steering its a tiller model
  15. E

    Blame it on the catfish.

    If it doesnt happen when u catch them it will happen when u clean them. Man it hurts!
  16. E

    1992 tracker guide v16

    Ok so the wireing job needs to begin. Can u guys help me get some parts together. I got some tinned copper 16 gage wire. Is that to thick? If anyone has a picture of a diagram that works for them that would help
  17. E

    Float pods

    Im thinking of putting a pair on my tracker V16. I have a feeling that it will be a bit ass heavy due to my 240 pound etec and my 220 pounds dad as driver lol
  18. E

    Hello Again, Tinboaters!

    Keep at it man. Fishing is great therapy and a hell of a fun time
  19. E

    1992 tracker guide v16

    Cool guys thanks
  20. E

    1992 tracker guide v16

    I probably will end up getting wire from west marine just because of the salt i spend half the year in