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  1. Wallijig

    Ipad interface with Lowrance HDS Gen 2 units

    I just picked up Lowrance HDS7 Now I am going to have to get one of these for using ipad with it. :D
  2. Wallijig

    What fishing related item(s) have you purchased lately?

    I got HDS7 last Thursday. Waiting for the new Lowrance Lake insite HD/3D chip to come out in March. :lol:
  3. Wallijig

    Bite is on fire here in SD. :)

    Here's the footballs I like handling on super bowl sunday! Click on photo to see video:
  4. Wallijig

    Bite is on fire here in SD. :)

    I never done fishing tourneys before, so thought I would give one a shot on Saturday. It was my lucky day. were around 30 people entered majority did not catch a fish ones that did got 1-3, except for me. Lord blessed me I was only one who limited and was culling all day. Brought buddy over...
  5. Wallijig

    Vintage AR-15 LOL

    Any one read the question thread on ebay post they are good also. LOL
  6. Wallijig

    Vintage AR-15 LOL

    Seen this on other site had to share. Can not believe what bid is at. :shock:
  7. Wallijig

    Lowarnce Structure Scan overlay?

    I stopped by Scheels today and played with HDS7 today. Then went over and seen what I could with Humminbird units. It is amazing what HDS can do! Now I want it more then ever. Going to just hold out during ice see if I can find it on special this spring at sportsman or boat show. Maybe also...
  8. Wallijig

    Lowarnce Structure Scan overlay?

    Thanks for the info guys!!!
  9. Wallijig

    Lowarnce Structure Scan overlay?

    I am about to pull trigger on new depth finder for my boat. Been leaning towards HDS-7 or HDS-9 touch model. Adding then structure scan transducer so I can use structure overlay. Does any one have experience with lowrance unit now use the structure overlay on GPS feature. That is feature...
  10. Wallijig

    ? about flasher type finder application/uses

    I had my Vexliar FL-20 upfront with transducer on my old boat. It worked great if anchored and vertical jigging like ice fishing, one can see fish follow and react to lure better. But if moving it was used more for depth and finding weed edges then spotting fish. When moving a graph as you know...
  11. Wallijig

    Hard Water Hawg!!

    We have had some great ice fishing in NW SD since thanksgiving weekend. now around 8" of ice. Perch have been going nuts. Buddy happen to hook into this hawg while guiding some guys perch fishing Wednesday morning. It was just under 12lbs. I was amazed he got it landed. He was fishing for...
  12. Wallijig

    Bald Eagle Eying up geese....

    Friend of mines wife took this picture from their home on Lake Madison in SD. Thought it was pretty cool and share it with you all. Said the geese were really making a ruckus which made them look outside to see what was going on.
  13. Wallijig

    Getting hit by blizzard here..

    I just piddle in guiding. Other business I own keeps me pretty busy. I hope to go full time guiding in few yrs. when i retire. I have no web site. Best friend of mine is full time guide though and I help him out if overbooked. His web site is He lives in...
  14. Wallijig

    Getting hit by blizzard here..

    Just checked this evenings forecast temps going to be -20* to -30*. Brrrrrr I just put boat away for winter yesterday. :D
  15. Wallijig

    Getting hit by blizzard here..

    Boy things change fast. Last week we were enjoying record highs in the 60's here in SD. Now we are getting over 10" of snow in areas with wind chills -10* and lower. Interstate hwys and roads closed covering whole state.
  16. Wallijig

    Some of yall might get a kick out of this.

    One would really have to watch out for those low over passes.. :shock:
  17. Wallijig

    PETA vs. Bikers LMAO

  18. Wallijig

    How not to check ice....

    Classic one here: I doubt it's real ice though look how high pieces float on water after broke.
  19. Wallijig

    How not to check ice....
