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  1. Wallijig

    Hump Day!!!

    I come across this reviewing map I made Using Insight Genesis of Lake Henry wpa. This has to be the best detailed map I have ever see. It looks 3d if focus on it. (Even more so on original picture, when upload it lost some color detail toned 3 down some.) Do you think these humps are natural or...
  2. Wallijig

    Lowrance Transducer Parts

    If you want original go to Lowrance here's part number to order from dealer: 000-10392-001 for xducer mounting kit Amazon
  3. Wallijig

    Insight Genesis now Mac upload compatable

    A new Insight Genesis web-upload tool enables both PC and Mac upload of sonar data. This feature is now available to both Premium and FREE subscribers. Check it out!!
  4. Wallijig

    What's everyone planning for Labor Day weekend?

    Congrats to you and family Blue Dawg!!!
  5. Wallijig

    What's everyone planning for Labor Day weekend?

    Been a great weekend so far! Now off to wine down on water.
  6. Wallijig

    What's everyone planning for Labor Day weekend?

    I will be walking my daughter down the aisle. She is getting married on Saturday and have 400 guests coming for wedding, reception, followed by dance and one big party. :)
  7. Wallijig

    Shout out to one of our members - Wallijig

    Thanks All!! I was very surprised to see how many acres I recorded. I just hit record every time I am out on water, could not believe how fast acres add up. Bummer is now Mrs. knows how much I am out, but I think she had pretty good idea. ;)
  8. Wallijig

    Lowrance announces outboard pilot.

    Here's video showing it in action:
  9. Wallijig

    Lowrance updates available

    Released a new update for Elite and Mark units 8/1/14 update: HDS units new update will be released in Sept. for Auto steer products. One being for linking to Motor Guide.
  10. Wallijig

    30 in or 36 in shaft>>>

    I would do the 36"/40lbs. more because of the 40 lbs. One can never have to much thrust. nothing more frustrating then not have enough power. Plus I think motor will not have to work as hard thus have more battery life.
  11. Wallijig

    Lowrance updates available

    For Elite unit you need a micro SD card. Download update for model you have. It will download as a zip file. Once downloaded double click on it in downloads, then click extract files up at top left, then transfer extracted file to micro SD card. To install update in chartplotter have unit...
  12. Wallijig

    Will this work?

    yes will work, however I would solder wires to spade connectors. Being on boat is harsh environment for electronics corrosion is guaranteed at weakest point which is connections.
  13. Wallijig

    How did you mount your fishfinder?

    See the Lowrance Elite 3x? under $100 with color display and temp sensor. Can get in all season pack also and use for icefishing also
  14. Wallijig

    Lowrance announces outboard pilot.

    More info plus video on Pin Point system with xi5
  15. Wallijig

    Lowrance announces outboard pilot.

  16. Wallijig

    Insight Genesis Mac compatible now!
  17. Wallijig

    Lowrance updates available

    Updates are available for Elite and some Mark units: Also for those who have the Sonar Hub:
  18. Wallijig

    GoPro in a boat??

    Got a pole mount and extra battery for kids for fathers day. :D now it just has to quit raining in area so I can get out in boat and use it.
  19. Wallijig

    GoPro in a boat??

    I watched a video on youtube of guys testing new hero3+ black like I purchased compared to regular hero3. The 3+ got around 50 yrds. the reg unit got 15 yrds. They tried it on a remote chopper but had interference and range was greatly reducer with both and did not work. Here's link: (around...