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  1. Wallijig

    GoPro in a boat??

    I picked up the float kit for it so if it come off and went in water it would not go to bottom of lake.
  2. Wallijig

    GoPro in a boat??

    Where do you think best places are to place GoPro in boat? What's you favorite mount for in boat? Picked up Hero3+ yesterday going to give it a shot. Does anyone use multiple GoPro's or do you just move one around to different locations?
  3. Wallijig

    Insight is about to launch next phase, social mapping!

    Social Mapping Beta test is up and running they are adding more lakes continuously. You can download and view your travels on any body of water free. Sign up for your free account and go check it out. You only need to pay for subscription if you wish to merge maps or put them on SD card for...
  4. Wallijig

    How to select a battery charger?

    I believe the "smart" chargers are worth the extra money. As stated they will monitor and charge at higher rate when needed, decreasing charge as battery capacity is full. This will increase your battery's life. The amperage of charger you chose depends on how quick you need it to charge. If...
  5. Wallijig

    How many rods do you keep on your boat?

    I keep 8, 4 spinning and 4 counters. I use same spinning reel and same counter reel on all. I have 2 backup reels of each tucked away fully stringed ready to put on pole, if have issues with any.
  6. Wallijig

    What do you think it is?

    Well got camera down to take a look. Water clarity was not greatest so only could see it up close could not get a real good big picture of it. But what did see is that it looked wooden with bands wrapped around it. Like a whiskey barrel. We could see writing on bands, but could not make out what...
  7. Wallijig

    Insight is about to launch next phase, social mapping!

    Genesis and Social Map – The Future of Maps and Mapping This is going to be big game changer in maps and map making!
  8. Wallijig

    What do you think it is?

    I have camera. Just have to get decent day to get out either been to windy or no able to get away from honey do's from mrs. Grrrrr I'll post soon as I get it.
  9. Wallijig

    Trolling motor battery?

    You are going to want a deep cycle. It will handle the discharging and recharging better thus over all longer life.
  10. Wallijig

    Power supply

    I have my electronics on one battery, starter battery just on motor, and two batteries for my 24v trolling motor hooked only to trolling motor.
  11. Wallijig

    What do you think it is?

    After talking to couple guys who also fish it regularly they think it is a tire structure. Lake has no weed beds and such for panfish shelte and they said some club built structures by bolting together tires. But they did not know where they put them.
  12. Wallijig

    What do you think it is?

    Here's screen shot of one of my passes over it. You can see on downscan, it's easy 4' high. Does look like UFO. I plan on picking up my underwater camera from bro-inlaw using it. Hook it to my HDS12 touch to see whats down there & help solve mystery. It's fun guessing though. :D
  13. Wallijig

    What do you think it is?

    More of view from directly over it.
  14. Wallijig

    What do you think it is?

    The area in middle that's dark is area angled down to bottom from my boat. White strip is prop wash. Fingers you see sticking down are bubbles from prop.
  15. Wallijig

    What do you think it is?

    I have found a lot of farm equipment. Here I found a ole combine. I heard rumors about it from icefishermen that seen it with under water camera.
  16. Wallijig

    What do you think it is?

    I was running structure scan on 30' scale and in 12' of water. So bottom area is around 18' so guessing it around 4' to 6' square.
  17. Wallijig

    What do you think it is?

    I was fishing on local lake other day and noticed something on bottom on my Lowrance Structure Scan. I can not figure out what it is. I am hoping to get back out and get some views from different angle to figure it out. But with weather not been able to get back out. It is on a damed up lake but...
  18. Wallijig

    I swear Dear, it just followed me home!

    Sweet ride indeed!! I wish something like that just followed me home.
  19. Wallijig

    Anyone else mapping their favorite body of water?

    As you may see in top right of bing map one can upload or create waypoints and install them on maps, also can. Note pad one can add notes one screen. The tabs on top of map, one can add or remove labels, tracks, waypoints, remove color for contour changes and adjust contours to level you would...
  20. Wallijig

    Anyone else mapping their favorite body of water?

    Once you start mapping you will be very surprised on areas you commonly fish have some hidden hotspots. It could be that rock pile or submerged weed bed you never new was there. Then with structure scan one may even find more surprises like I did yesterday. I found a old submerged combine: