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  1. Wallijig

    Anyone else mapping their favorite body of water?

    When recording I did what is recommend, record around 1 hr segment then stop and restart recording. This is done so that if a file happens to get corrupted, one does not loose alot if information. One does not have to map the whole lake you can just map your favorite fishing area on a lake...
  2. Wallijig

    Anyone else mapping their favorite body of water?

    This is bottom composition. Darker colors are harder bottoms, lighter colors would softer bottoms: Here's vegetation: (we just had ice out not long ago and out new weed growth is just starting to develope) Any of you with Elite or HDS unit can do this free and view it now. Just have to...
  3. Wallijig

    Anyone else mapping their favorite body of water?

    By clicking on tracks in header at top it removes my trails and view lake in with 3' contours. By clicking contours one can select which contour I would like to see map in. Here's what comes up once click that. Here's picture selecting the 1' setting: Same picture zoomed in showing 1' contours:
  4. Wallijig

    Anyone else mapping their favorite body of water?

    Sorry was on my cell phone did not have photos available. Yes I am driving around on lakes recording sonar log, using that information to make maps with Insight Genesis programing. One of the lakes I mapped did not have any mapping available. it's one of my favorite walleye lakes as well for...
  5. Wallijig

    Anyone else mapping their favorite body of water?

    About a month ago I subscribed to Insight Genesis and began recording my travels on water with my Lowrance HDS unit. Then down loading and making maps on Genesis website. I would not have believed it but now can not tell you how addicting it is. I can see contours, bottom composition, and...
  6. Wallijig

    Lowrance ProStaff Member :)

    I am now part of ProStaff team for Lowrance/Navico. :D I could not be more honored or excited they selected me. I have some training to get more familiar with all products they have available. I hope I can be of some help to answer any questions that may arise with Lowrance and Insight...
  7. Wallijig

    Lowrance Point 1 ... 1.3.0 update?

    I installed Point 1 last week. I went to Lowrance support page to see if there were any updates that maybe needed. I seen the 1.4.0 update, which is not needed for area I fish. also see info on download/support material (Point 1 1.3.0 release notes) for the 1.3.0 update, however do not see where...
  8. Wallijig

    lowerance hds5 with strucure san

    No you do not need transducer hooked up to use it just as GPS unit. I take my HDS7's off my boat in late fall and install them on a quad and in my pickup for gps mapping when icefishing. Be good if hook them both up to ether net though. that way they work in conjunction with each other for...
  9. Wallijig

    1st open water walleye for 2014 season

    We are still ice fishing here also. But creeks and inlets along with some shorelines opening up. Guessing with temps close to be 70* today and high winds out ice access will be done.
  10. Wallijig

    1st open water walleye for 2014 season

    Found some open water in eastern SD and give it a shot. Caught first walleye with long rod in open water for 2014 season plus a few other dandies.
  11. Wallijig

    Great weekend on water :)

    This winter of ice season is coming to close. Lakes starting to open up and fishing are going nuts. Last night was unbelievable! I caught over 50 walleyes, 10 of them being over 20", 3 of those 10 being over 24", and one over 28".
  12. Wallijig

    Great weekend on water :)

    Yet another great weekend catching Freshwater Humpbacks in South Dakota.
  13. Wallijig

    Great weekend on water :)

    More dandies this weekend.
  14. Wallijig

    Great weekend on water :)

    Not the weekend but a beautiful day so took it off hit lake with buddy.
  15. Wallijig

    Secret to successful fishing.......

    ut oh word is out .....
  16. Wallijig

    Great weekend on water :)

    Great evening on ice. :D Sample of walleyes caught this evening.
  17. Wallijig

    Great weekend on water :)

    Released a bunch for another day.
  18. Wallijig

    Great weekend on water :)

    Pike from this morning
  19. Wallijig

    Great weekend on water :)

    Headed up to NE South Dakota to fish with buddy of mine. Got into some nice perch and walleye on the hard water.
  20. Wallijig

    Hardwater Muskie

    No season here on Muskie. Only rule we have here is keep one over 40" per day. I never pursued them on ice pretty much only walleye and perch are my prey. Just caught this one looking for walleye..