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  1. idruthrbfishin

    2 new (to me) Tinnies

    Saved 2 tinnies from the scrap man. One is a 12' Lone Star. Tag on seat says "Little Fisherman," not sure if that is the model? The pics are the Lone Star. The other one has current registration which says the boat is a...."1955 Viohol," anyone ever hear of that name? I'll have to get some...
  2. idruthrbfishin

    OEM foam in seats

    Thanks Jethro, as stated, I fish a shallow river, not a 100' deep lake. Sorry for gettin everyone's dander up. I'm talking about removing a piece of foam the size of my lunchbox. There will still be a ton of foam left in it when I'm done, IF I procede.
  3. idruthrbfishin

    New to the site and first tin boat as well, but I’m gonna need alittle help with this

    The bottom is completely flat, it is a Jon boat. Modified V will have some degree of deadrise.
  4. idruthrbfishin

    OEM foam in seats

    Ok, my apologies, I fish shallow rivers, I'm not familiar with ballast surfing so I googled it. True, I see your point those are indeed some pretty serious wakes. Thankfully I don't have to deal with that on the Upper Susquehanna. Worst thing I have to deal with is some Kevin Van Dam wannabe...
  5. idruthrbfishin

    OEM foam in seats

    Um, thanks, but it'd take a pretty serious wake to put water over my bow. A barge might be able to do it. I'd probably have the sense to get outta the way of a barge though! :lol:
  6. idruthrbfishin

    Rookie here - Looking for advice from you tin boat experts

    Max Power, how did you make out with this? Any update?
  7. idruthrbfishin

    OEM foam in seats

    Considering making a battery compartment in one of my side seats that is filled with foam. I've always heard guys say, "don't cut the foam out of your seats, that's for flotation!" My question is, doesn't that only come into play if your boat is capsized? In that case, I'm thinking I'd have a...
  8. idruthrbfishin

    12 volt vs 24 volt

    That's when I use my anchor. :LOL2:
  9. idruthrbfishin

    12 volt vs 24 volt

    I fish The North Branch from Hunlock Creek down as far as Norry, and the West Branch from Norry to Jersey Shore. Never fished below the Flibber Dam.
  10. idruthrbfishin

    12 volt vs 24 volt

    I've been fishin the Susquehanna in PA for 30 years and I've never had a 24v trolling motor. Then again, I only use the trolling motor for boat positioning. If I wanna go upstream I use my outboard. For the first 20 years, all I had was a 12 v 36# Minn Kota. Now I have a 55#.
  11. idruthrbfishin

    Anyone fishing Black Lake, NY?

    Butternut Cove. Owner Craig is a great guy and prices are very reasonable.
  12. idruthrbfishin

    Anyone fishing Black Lake, NY?

    Any reports on BLNY? Headed up there soon for a week, wondered if anyone had any success there so far this spring?
  13. idruthrbfishin

    2001 yamaha jet to prop

    Agree totally with handyandy. Get a prop motor if that's what you use most of the time. Switching back and forth will get to be a PITA.
  14. idruthrbfishin

    25/20 outboard jet on a 12’ Jon?

    I have a 1648 Crestliner and I ran a 25/18 Johnson on it for 18 years. I never won any races, but it got up on plane without any problem, and did 18-20mph measured by GPS. I fished many, many miles of river with that little motor. When I upgraded my 16 footer to a 60/40, I stuck that same little...
  15. idruthrbfishin

    Aluminum fasteners

    I have a 20+ y.o. Crestliner that I put an aluminum floor in at the time of purchase. Used all stainless fasteners (screws). No problems to date. Aluminum bolts/nuts are too soft for the long term; the threads will stretch over time and the fastener will become loose. I've seen it happen. Coat...
  16. idruthrbfishin

    Tin boat side console to center console weight implications

    FWIW, I switched my 16' Crestliner from tiller steer to forward center console. In my situation, it made a huge difference, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. The only bad thing is you don't have very much room on either side of the console to access the front deck. I used a 24" wide...