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  1. Wallijig

    How not to check ice....

    Ouch that had to hurt!! Must be something about guys who wear black swim trunks. here it is so do not have to click link:
  2. Wallijig

    How not to check ice....

  3. Wallijig

    I loss my best friend

    Sorry for your loss. :(
  4. Wallijig

    In Search of Monster Walleye

    Sweet looking walleyes!! Looked like lot of fun.
  5. Wallijig

    Ice Fishing Blues

    With the warm and windy weather things opened back up. However cold front come in and to stay below 30* with evening in single digit temp thru this week at least, so would not doubt on ice again mid to end of week.
  6. Wallijig

    Ice Fishing Blues

    Buddy was out on slough this evening catching eyes threw ice. said they have 4"-5" of ice in northern SD.
  7. Wallijig

    Trailer Lights

    That's what happens when use Christmas light bulbs, switch to standard all should be fine. J/K LOL x2 It sounds like ground issue to me also.
  8. Wallijig

    Ice Fishing Blues

    Guys are starting to get on ice in northern SD. Here small sloughs are just froze over. lakes the main part is open but bays are froze up. will not be long. I plan on heading north for thanksgiving for some ice action. :D
  9. Wallijig

    Locked deer in SD

    Locked deer in SD got separated by pheasant hunters.
  10. Wallijig

    2 sits in stand and done for yr.

    Thanks all Got meat back from locker he tastes great!!! :P After processing ended up with 50 lbs of deer stix, 25 lbs. of ring bolonga, and 30 lbs. of breakfast sausage. Filled my freezer just about to top.
  11. Wallijig

    Lake Lanier on election day

    I vote for Lake Lanier Striper fishing!! looked like lot of fun!!!!
  12. Wallijig

    Cold water bucket mouth

    It's a size 05, Red crawdad, Rattlin' Rapala.
  13. Wallijig

    Cold water bucket mouth

    Went out after some eyes Saturday water temp was 42* and first cast buddy landed this dandy large mouth. Plus we could not keep the 11" to 12" crappie off bet we caught 40+ of them. We did manage about 20 eyes between the crappie in the 11"-18" range and I caught mama. Released all to play...
  14. Wallijig

    Ice Fishing Blues

    We have local bait shop having a 2 day icefishing seminars by some of the best known names in ice fishing in 2 weeks. Great event and gets one anxious about getting on ice hearing these guys. Plus get free goodies from vendors. Meals are even included in ticket prices. :D I would post video...
  15. Wallijig

    2 sits in stand and done for yr.

    In South Dakota we can only have one any deer archery tag. I could get one archery antlerless tag, which I may. Our rifle season is around corner, however that is a lottery draw system for tags and deadline was in August. Drawing is done. Some parts if state deer got hit by disease and made for...
  16. Wallijig

    Back at Home lake....

    Thanks, I hit lake today after tagging out on archery deer. Was a fun afternoon. Caught and released about 7-8 of these 11.75" - 12" crappies, doz. 14" eyes, couple hammer handle northerns, and a frisky carp. :D
  17. Wallijig

    2 sits in stand and done for yr.

    Took him to get weighed. He was 242 lbs. gutted out. His neck was just over 34" around.
  18. Wallijig

    2 sits in stand and done for yr.

    Daughter go picture of me holding it.
  19. Wallijig

    2 sits in stand and done for yr.

    I sent for tag on Wednesday, got tag Friday, sat out Saturday morning saw bunch of doe/fawn, but no bucks and no deer in shooting distance. Sunday morning I tried different stand. Right at sunup I had a doe out about 100 yrds from me and first buck I seen this yr. walked right under my stand...
  20. Wallijig

    Archery help

    x2 I had same problem To cure problem practiced with a back tension release. It forced me to follow thru better and eliminated problem.