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  1. B

    '57 3hp Johnson operating RPM

    Follow up - bottom cylinder was dead. I have continuity in the plug wire and had condensors/points on hand. Replaced those parts and still nothing. That only leaves the coil. Bummer I don’t have a spare coil on hand, but I’m happy I found the culprit. Edit: checked resistance across the coil...
  2. B

    '57 3hp Johnson operating RPM

    Hadn’t thought about that, but it makes perfect sense. Wasn’t seeing much smoke and I’m running 16:1 in it right now. I pulled the flywheel tonight. Coils and ignition in general looks great. Must’ve been replaced fairly recently. That said, one coil ground wire was rubbing the flywheel and...
  3. B

    '57 3hp Johnson operating RPM

    Nice. I have a new kit on order and just stripped the carb down last night. No smoking guns that I found. It's currently soaking and I've been periodically scrubbing all of the nooks / crannies / orifices I can find to ensure everything is open and clear. Good to know it should be running well...
  4. B

    '57 3hp Johnson operating RPM

    I inherited a JW-13 so I've been tinkering with it trying to bring it back to its former glory. Not sure how long it has sat, but it was in fairly good condition. I changed the plugs, ensured the air intake was clear, threw a new impeller in it, changed the gearbox oil, put some fresh gas in it...
  5. B

    Sealing external transom

    Just to follow up, I decided against the 5200 and picked up some Goop Marine. I'm sure there's debate around that choice, but it dries quick and I just did the holes. Got it out on the water Sunday and it's dry as a bone!
  6. B

    Sealing external transom

    Good intel. I didn't even think of that. Thank you!
  7. B

    Sealing external transom

    That's the answer I was looking for. Thanks guys. This is my first boat build and I'm sure I'll be doing some of this stuff again. It's sealed up pretty well, but I'll be OK with replacing it in a few years if necessary. I'll apply liberally around the bolts and call it good.
  8. B

    Sealing external transom

    Sorry for the newb question. I'm rebuilding an 82 Sea Nymph 14k and I'm looking to install the transom tonight. It's 3/4" ply that sandwiches the hull, so it will be fully exposed to the water. The transom boards are thoroughly coated in spar urethane, I was just curious how excessive I should...
  9. B

    Aluminum Transom Build Issues

    Super late on the update - sorry about that. I'm researching for another project and saw your inquiry. He was super happy with it! Said the transom is solid and the boat tracks straight as it should. I haven't heard from him since so I assume as is well, haha.
  10. B

    Aluminum Transom Build Issues

    Thanks everyone! I got it buttoned up yesterday and my buddy is picking it up after work tonight. Feels good to hang my hat on this one.
  11. B

    Aluminum Transom Build Issues

    I thought I'd give it one last try before spending money on different material. I found that using thick aluminum chill blocks as backing plates worked extremely well. It kept everything flat, pulled the heat out and helped trap argon. I was able to weld up both sheets without too much drama...
  12. B

    Aluminum Transom Build Issues

    Thanks for the replies. Both are solid recommendations. DaleH - I'm in Central Illinois, so snagging your sheet likely wouldn't work out so well, haha. I appreciate the offer though. I was hesitant to sheet the whole thing at first, as it's only secured below the transom (you can see the brake...
  13. B

    Aluminum Transom Build Issues

    Hey guys - new to the site but there's some awesome info here. Hoping to tap into your vast knowledge to help me out with a project I'm working on for a buddy. Per his request, I'm building up the transom so he can run a long shaft motor. Replacing the wood with aluminum, patching up the...