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  1. BeerMe

    1957 Lone Star V hull

    Do you think i need some transom braces? I can take more photos if you need a better look. Im going to look for boats like mine on the interwebs and see if they have them as well
  2. BeerMe

    1957 Lone Star V hull

    Does anyone else have problems with this forum acting funky on an android phone? Mine does all kinds of weird crap and its annoying as hell. Johnny i think im going to make something out of plywood bc i want to remove it for duck season. Should it be near the top of the gunwale? (I dont even...
  3. BeerMe

    1957 Lone Star V hull

    It is 14 ft. I have a 9.9 johnson outboard.
  4. BeerMe

    1957 Lone Star V hull

    Negative. That's how it was when I got it.
  5. BeerMe

    1648 Lowe Refresh part II

    Did you ever figure out how to lock this in the up position? On my Johnson ( I believe its a 65) there is a little flat piece of metal with a 45 degree bend at the end that you pull out or push in just to the side of the tiller handle to lock or unlock it. I plan on using this same paint you...
  6. BeerMe

    1960 Alumacraft Deep C

    Looks great Crappie! =D> What part of OK are you in?
  7. BeerMe

    1957 Lone Star V hull

    I got the handles put back on the boat last night. Did some more priming. And got all the junk that had accumulated in it out for the most part. Going to flip it over hopefully tonight and finish prep work for primer.
  8. BeerMe

    1957 Lone Star V hull

    Thanks for the advice and reply bobber. Yea I know I got a little impatient. I honestly didn't think what I have done so far was big deal. All I have done is strip the paint and dirt and add some new nuts and bolts. I really just want to get the outside done, so I can put stickers on it and...
  9. BeerMe

    1957 Lone Star V hull

    Ya.. i read that a while back. Good info. Think im just going to run with what i have going. Anyway.... if you guys feel like telling something before i do it id appreciate it. I epoxied the seam with gflex 650 toughened epoxy and its setting up nicely. Pretty smooth surface but a test run of...
  10. BeerMe

    1957 Lone Star V hull

    Thank you for the input. It is appreciated. This is aluminum however and not sheet metal. The aluminum was well cleaned and not a bit of corrosion was present when primed. There is also a ring of 5200 around the perimeter sealing off most (i hope) moisture from getting behind the board. This...
  11. BeerMe

    1957 Lone Star V hull

    I didnt put a top coat on that. Didnt think it needed it since no one is ever going to see it. I used thompsons on the wood the primer and old rattle can paint on the wood.
  12. BeerMe

    1957 Lone Star V hull

    The primer on the board or the back of the boat?
  13. BeerMe

    1957 Lone Star V hull

    I sprayed with the same self etching primer.
  14. BeerMe

    Tracker Tournament TX-17 Duck Boat Build

    I believe it's that BlackTip Sheetgoods stuff FloridaGrown was talking about.
  15. BeerMe

    Tracker Tournament TX-17 Duck Boat Build

    Do you or anyone know what that covering is on the floor and seats? That stuff looks awesome. Nice job on the boat. Making good progress. I wish I knew someone who could weld aluminum.
  16. BeerMe

    1957 Lone Star V hull

    I am wanting to get this thing done on the outside at least so I can take it out before it gets too cold but I acquired another project as well. Having to juggle a lot of my time. Need more hours in the day.
  17. BeerMe

    1957 Lone Star V hull

    I learned a little trick that I think worked pretty good for bucking rivets, as I don't have anything to do that and this is the first time I've ever riveted anything. I dipped the rivets in 5200 and put a washer on the back side ( both aluminum ) and popped em off. They felt loose to me so I...
  18. BeerMe

    1957 Lone Star V hull

    Hey guys. Quick update. I wasn't frustrated that I didn't get any feedback. I was just hoping for some kind of feedback so I don't screw anything up and have to do it twice. I removed the transom, cleaned up the board, placed it back in place with some 5200 and stainless steel bolts...
  19. BeerMe

    1957 Lone Star V hull

    Well since I didn't get much help as far as my questions being answered I've made some progress on my own. I hope it's not trial and error. I guess we'll see. I'll post some pictures tomorrow.
  20. BeerMe

    1957 Lone Star V hull

    It's a 1" pipe cap for the plug. I want to replace it but I don't know how to go about it. This boat has sat for as long as my wife has been alive and she says it hasn't been in the water in that time. It was in pretty good shape for sitting for over 20 years outside. I took it out and...