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  1. H

    Johnson 30 HP model year help? Pictures Added.

    I see on your paper copy that the carb is a 432705. That is a standard omc number. Is the evinrude number on the tag compatible with the engine itself? Maybe the po tried to get it the same for the future? 35E76G comes up as a 1976 35 hp electric start. Hmmmm.
  2. H

    Johnson 30 HP model year help? Pictures Added.

    I have a 89 evinrude tracker that is identical, 20 hp that is now a 30hp. Ive seen that carb number before and I think your'e right, it doesn't trace well. I don't think i ever actually found that number. There are several carb numbers that were discontinued , superseded whatever, but they all...
  3. H

    Johnson 30 HP model year help? Pictures Added.

    I'm thinking that may be a serial #. Look closer on the engine. There should be another plug somewhere, like a freeze plug, that has the model number on it. Probably just a number, no letters, about six digits. You may also find a part number that will work on the power pack. Water pump part...
  4. H

    Johnson 30 HP model year help? Pictures Added.

    You should be able to find a number somewhere on the powerhead itself. Maybe on a plug installed on the engine? Some internet searching suggests the number is on the engine somewhere. Hank
  5. H

    Greetings! And... SmokerCraft Re-build

    I did the same thing while launching alone last Nov. The rope broke , I stepped out of the truck and thought, crap now what?! Waded ,swam out and brought her back. One of my buddies came along later in the day and wanted to know why i was all wet when I was in a perfectly good boat. Yuk, Yuk.
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    I am so excited! Going on a striper fishing trip

    One of the most awesome sights I've ever seen was on Lake Hartwell in 1987. We were out late at night fishing and had a couple floating lights out beside the boat to bring in the bait. Some really big stripers, AND I MEAN REALLY BIG! , tore into those baitfish. They looked like fighter jets...
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    I am so excited! Going on a striper fishing trip

    Hope you have a great time! I lived in SC. for a while and fished for big stripers then. Awesome fish! The locals called them "wipers"! because they wiped out your tackle!
  8. H

    how much snow?

    Big Terp, I'm across the state on the Ohio river outside Parkersburg, we got about 14 inches. We haven't had a snow in the 30"s since 93. My cousin lived in Falling Waters, worked for the power company. He retired , went to NC. Just got some ice down there. I ran the snow blower all day...
  9. H

    Lowe 1852 Bass Boat Mod - Electric Only

    Interesting. Is this a common mod for these waters? Sure seems like a lot of battery wt. to be handling, launching and so forth. I'll bet it will motor a long time and have decent speed tho!
  10. H

    Evinrude 9.9 remote steering

    Im sorry, I went back and looked at the post and realized its the one you posted. springfield mo ebay clssified.
  11. H

    Evinrude 9.9 remote steering

    Go to the Boat House column and look for remote setup. There is a listing for a guy in Springfield Mo. that has consoles ,steering , cable and wheels. Every thing you need except for motor controls. Hank
  12. H

    Howdy from MS Gulf Coast

    Rick, G3"s are a Yamaha owned company and built on an agreement with Lowes. Thats why they look so much like a Lowe. Yamaha wanted a boat company so they could offer a complete package. G3 boat , Yamaha controls and motor. I have a 1648 jon boat, welded hull with a live well in the middle bench...
  13. H

    Howdy from MS Gulf Coast

    G3 > I agree!
  14. H

    tell me about this 3hp rude

    Theres a couple lower shrouds missing in the picture, I'd guess thats a early 60"s model.
  15. H

    tell me about this 3hp rude

    Ive got a 3hp twin evinrude 1965 model that I use on 10 and under lakes. They work perfect for slow trolling, just make sure the water pump is good. You won't see any pee or steady discharge, just a good mist. It moves my boat pretty good even with 2 adults and 2 kids aboard. Worth? Depends, Ive...
  16. H

    Gas friendly hp size

    Texas Prowler, its an 89 Evinrude tracker motor, I opened up the intake and put a 30hp carb on. I've seen 29mph on my gps.
  17. H

    Gas friendly hp size

    Im running a Evin 20 hp modified to 30hp on a 16x48 tin, at WOT 28mph im getting 6mpg.
  18. H

    11 11 11

    US Navy 1974-1980 Sailed on board the USS Truckee AO-147, homeport Norfolk Va. E-5 Machinist Mate. Assigned to ships turbo generators 1st two years, then main engine room. Total 4yrs 6 mo 11 days on board.
  19. H

    Semper Fi

    Thats called doing your duty. Thank GOD some men will.
  20. H

    20 hp 1989 evinrude tracker motor

    Hey all. Yes, it's suspiciously fast. However, in Wv our lake restrictions are 10 hp or under. I have a 3 hp Evinrude that works for that. The modified 20 is for river running on the Ohio and other rivers. Plus I haul this baby south and fish the bay's and tidal rivers in Sc. Working out good!