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  1. G

    $7 bunks

    Don't get rid of the treated stuff. Go to Lowes or Hdepot or your local FENCE comp. and get you a stick of the poly rail cover it slips over 2x4s or 2x6. split it down the middle and snap it over the top of your rails put a couple screws in them and your boat will slide like a snail. "NO MORE...
  2. G

    Boat safety goodies

    Hi this is the Grog Hog "You have a great wife" she is training you well. I call mine She Who MUST be obeyed I’ve been looking at the site and am amazed at the kool stuff that is on here. It has helped me with several projects so far and I would like to share something with you if ya don’t...
  3. G

    My hitch is stuck!

    Marvel Mystery Oil and you can throw some in your gas to stabilize the garbage ethanol as well. Put some on your crank and winch as well. AND it smells good I use it for deodorant. tahee
  4. G

    need help identifying boat

    No this looks to be older than the 70 if they used 2 sheets of metal for bottom. It will have a keel cover riveted over the center all the from bow to stern. Mostly used in the late 40s 50s & 60s after the wars as they used surplus aircraft aluminum for their designs. If it has solid sheet only...
  5. G

    Central Fla bass fishing?

    The Harris chain are so silted and sledged up as they let water out of Rodman dam maybe 2 times a month. G0 to Crystal River and do a little salt water fishing as the reds and trout are doing well there. Make sure you have fresh line as a gator trout will be happy to take your bait. FISHING...
  6. G

    wtb: 1448 jon boat

    I will be selling a Monark 16 ONE TOUGH COOKIE flat bottom With float on trailer probably under a grand. It needs stripped and painted. here in Fla.
  7. G

    1981 Evinrude 9.9 Tiller Assembly needed

    There are several people parting them out on E-Bay.Ya need to look under auto/boat parts sometimes Good luck I only have the tiller handle from mine
  8. G

    Bass Tracker with 40HP Mariner Speed issues

    Put it in neutral with engine lowered get a bucket or something that you can rig a cloth hanger on. make an S shape in one end to loop tightly over the edge of bucket. Now slide the out running end towards the prop till it touches the aft edge of the prop flute. Now turn the prop around to see...
  9. G

    1950's Fast Twin Wanted

    I will also be selling an awsum 50's Sports Kraft with built in helm. It has all the cable trollies ,stearing wheel, helm and it is the swoop back design. I am going to be posting it on my web site as soon as I figure how. My friend said he had 3 other smaller motors with the...
  10. G

    1950's Fast Twin Wanted

    I have one here in High Springs Fla If you want I can send a few shots of it. It belongs to a friend but I have it here it has tank with double lines.
  11. G

    Bass Tracker with 40HP Mariner Speed issues

    Put your motor in gear make sure the key is off and try to turn the prop if it spins and the motor dosnt turn then the rubber insert is shot out. Don't throw the prop out as you can buy a replacement for it at most boat shops. I have a 16 bass tracker with a 40 Johnson it will do an easy 30 mph
  12. G

    Ok so who knows how to sail

    Here is the link that will help you learn to sail This is a collage sailing club that has been a great help to I and many of my friends. You will find a local sailing club near you as well. You tube sailing video has some good tips. Copy and...
  13. G

    Ok so who knows how to sail

    Hi guy ....SAILING IS FUN.... With your little day sailor all you need to do is find a small shallow lake. Put your rudder and keel down. Sit on your boat like you were on a surfboard with your legs over the sides or so. This will let you feel stable.Take the line that goes to the top of the...
  14. G

    could my fuel tank be the problem?

    Hi It is probably the ethanol in the fuel. I just replaced and cleaned the entire fuel system on 2 of my costumers boats. ONLY to find out that the NEW gray fuel line was the problem. The clear plastic liner inside the gray line was partiality dissolved and was separating from the outer grey...