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  1. N

    1958? Aluminum (Walleye) Boat Build

    I would go ahead and rebuck the rivets before anything. Might not need to coat any of them if they all are sealing.
  2. N

    Front seat options

    I have replaced seats on a lot of the boats that I have redone. The 3/4 inch plywood will be plenty strong on that seat. My Lund boats that I have redone I use 5/8 acx or bcx well sealed and no problems.
  3. N

    New Floor

    I will do a test on a scrap before I do the whole boat but the oudoor adhesive I have used in the past seemed to bond to everything. Will just have to make sure the Redguard is fully cured.
  4. N

    New Floor

    After thinking on it I am going to try a surface membrane that I use on floors and walls to waterproof them before the installation of ceramic tiles. Works great for going over cracks in concrete as it flexes and wood to seal it. Its a must use for showers. Called Redguard. I had done ceramic...
  5. N

    HP ratings

    I think it was 1986 for Mercury? The 50 turned into a 45hp known as the "Classic 50"
  6. N

    New Floor

    Not what I was hoping to hear, LOL. I had a portable ice house that had a painted floor and it lasted about 15 years and it was always wet. This boat will be covered when not in use.
  7. N

    New Floor

    Replacing the floor in a old Alumacraft. It had marine plywood in it but I will be going with bcx this time. I plan on just sealing the wood with a paint and primer in one. I have used old timers formula on other projects but thinking that sealing the wood with paint on both sides and edges...
  8. N

    Fixing leaky rivets

    I made a couple tools for it. One has a dimple in it and the other has a drilled recess a bit bigger than the the tail of the rivet so it dont slip off. Just a couple good taps with a hammer.
  9. N

    Fixing leaky rivets

    I have had good luck just tightening up the original rivets. Havent had one leak after rebucking them so I feel it is a easy fix!
  10. N

    82 Merc 7.5

    I picked up a little 7.5 1982 Merc and the throttle lever was missing from the top of the carb. I have one on order but not sure where to set it against the timing plate at idle or should there be a gap until a certain point? I dont see a mark on it like my Johnson and Evinrudes have for the...
  11. N

    Newbie Here

    If it turns out to be just a few loose rivets- I made a couple bars out of old railroad spikes. One is ground down flat then I hollowed a place on it for the rivet head. Second one I just ground flat. One person under the boat putting pressure on the rivet head with the ground out one with...
  12. N

    Who here uses a small outboard on their boat?

    If you can run across a little 4 to 6 hp water cooled Johnson or Evinrude You will be happy. Just make sure you use the right oil-gas mix and pas it down to the grandkids.
  13. N

    Timing for early Johnnyrudes

    Could you buy the factory rebuild kit and put the parts from that into your cheap fuel pump?
  14. N

    Tin Boat Revamp

    As far as the leaks I have had very good luck just rebucking the rivets. Find them by adding a few inches of water in the boat and look under it to find them. I like to bring the old boats back to life and have done many. So far just tightening up the rivets has taken care of all the leaks in my...
  15. N

    Waterproofing Plywood Deck Help

    I am a fan of oldtimers formula. Even used it on my deck that's attached to my house and its holding up great.
  16. N

    Hauling a 12 foot deep v without a trailer

    Not sure what it was called but I used to have a mount that went on the hitch of my truck that clamped on the transom of the boat and you could swing it over the top of the truck. The bow of the boat would set on a cargo carrier rack and strap it down to the front of the truck. Worked great but...
  17. N

    Alumacraft Flying D

    I had a 1964 Crestliner Commador Speedster. From what I could find on it is the windshield was a option so your boat might not have ever had one. Nice boat!
  18. N

    Motor about to go into storage for a few months. What to do?

    Here in North Dakota I have seen a few that have cracked to! I always make sure that the lower unit oil is replaced before winter.
  19. N

    Johnson seahorse 10

    Pappy-that boat is beautiful!
  20. N

    Old timers formula on a deck?

    Its a done deal, now to see how it holds up. I only used one coat but rain is expected tonight. If it doesnt bead the rain water I will try another coat if we can get a spell of dry weather before winter.