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  1. N

    9 1/2 Evinrude question

    I would probably replace waterpump and clean the carb. If you do it yourself less than 50 bucks. I have done a lot of the 9.9s and have got by with just the impeller and a carb cleaning-no kit. I do the waterpump just to be on the safe side right away or at least inspect it to make sure its all...
  2. N

    2 stroke to a 4 stroke?

    That's one of the things holding me back-no local dealer. If I go the new Suzuki route it will probably be with Online Outboards (Cumberland) and take my chances that nothing goes wrong. The normal maintenance I can handle I think but other than that I would just have to hope for the best.
  3. N

    2 stroke to a 4 stroke?

    Probably going to wait and see how I come out on taxes this year. Wish I could do like a car and try it out first LOL. The Suzuki has been out for awhile and seems to have proven itself where the Tahatsu is just now going to EFI so If all goes well I think I will go with the Suzuki. Thanks for...
  4. N

    2 stroke to a 4 stroke?

    That's what I was thinking and hopeing. Faster or at least as fast and lighter. Like the idea of not having to mix fuel and the quite of the 4stroke. Would be nice if the dependability was there to. Anyone change to a 4 with the same horsepower as the 2 stroke? How did it do?
  5. N

    2 stroke to a 4 stroke?

    Just found the specs on my motor online. The 1988 mariner 20hp is 107# so the Suzuki is 10# lighter. Still cant decide. 30 years old and no problems. Wonder if I can get that out of a new 4 stroke. There isn't anything wrong with it now but I would like something quiet and maybe electric...
  6. N

    2 stroke to a 4 stroke?

    No idea what my Mariner weighs but I see the Suzuki is advertised at 97# and I should be able to get by on a 3 gallon tank rather than the 6 My mariner takes. Always like to start with a full tank even if I don't need it LOL. That should make up for the weight change. Mostly interested in the...
  7. N

    2 stroke to a 4 stroke?

    I have a 20hp Mariner on a Lund 14' now and I am thinking of going to a 4 stroke 20 Suzuki or Tahatsu. With this boat set up the way I like it now I get 23 mph. Plenty for me. Question is would I lose anything by going to a 4 stroke? To me a 20 is a 20 but I've heard the 4 strokes don't have the...
  8. N

    recommendations for Online Parts and Iboats have been good for me.
  9. N

    Winterizing a 25 hp Evinrude two stroke

    I live "up north" and have a 1965 Johnson 33 with that chunk broke off in the waterpump area. I built it up with a bit of jb weld when I saw it. Seems to be ok but I am not even sure the jb is still there.
  10. N

    Wood for boat bench seat

    Kind of like the idea of the use of stair treads. Now if I can find them local over 48 inches wide. I will need 52 inch. If all else fails I will go with the plywood as there is flotation that bolts on the bottom of the seats so that should keep them from bowing. Thanks for ideas.
  11. N

    Wood for boat bench seat

    The main reason I was wanting to use wood was so I could match the dash. I agree that the solid oak will probably end up splitting. Would marine plywood be worth the extra over a bcx type plywood as long as i sealed it well?
  12. N

    Wood for boat bench seat

    Looking to replace the old benches on my 1964 Crestliner Commador Speedster. It had plywood benches that were wrapped in vinyl. The dash was made the same way and I removed the vinyl off the dash and stained and sealed it. Looks good so I am wanting to do that to the benches but they are in...
  13. N

    Converting '71 6hp Johnson to Short Shaft - Water Tube Stuck

    Might have to pull it then anyway-if its that hard to get out how do you plan on getting it back in? If like mine the end is flared and there is that grommet so powerhead must come off to remove the copper tube.
  14. N

    Converting '71 6hp Johnson to Short Shaft - Water Tube Stuck

    Might have to pull the powerhead to remove the tube from the top of the part it goes threw or maybe just use a tubing cutter to remove 5 inches from it while its sticking out of the exhaust housing?
  15. N

    1974 to 1980 Johnson

    All done and runs great.
  16. N

    1974 to 1980 Johnson

    Decided to do it now and everything went good. I tried using the old exhaust gasket and it worked ok the first time. I ended up having to pull the powerhead partway because I had a thermostat gasket leaking and was just as easy to lift the powerhead again as all was freshly put back. It didn't...
  17. N

    1974 to 1980 Johnson

    Think I will go for it then as it sounds like a good project for this upcoming fall. I have a few projects going now and got to take some time to go fishing so this one can wait a bit. Thanks, Jim
  18. N

    1974 to 1980 Johnson

    Just a thought that I would like to pass along for ideas. I have both a 1974 and a 1980 Johnson 9.9 outboard. The 1980 has only 30# compression on the bottom cylinder and 90 on the top so its pretty well shot. I am thinking as long as I change out the complete ignition system I cant see why I...
  19. N

    1982 Johnson 9.9 - recoil starter issues

    Before I did anything I would try and give it a good shot of light weight oil or even wd40. I had the same problem and it was fine after a good spray down to rinse it out.
  20. N

    Recoil start

    Thanks for that info. The reason I was asking is my right shoulder is a bit weak from a old injury and I am not so sure I want to try and pull over anything that is any harder! Might have to check out that 15.