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  1. H

    1648 build - update 3/21

    Here's some shots of the boat with the motor and console installed. I originally wanted to run the console in the center, but it wouldn't have left much room to move around in the boat so I had to shift it to the side. I built a rear casting deck. I have installed the fishing seat...
  2. H

    1648 build - update 3/21

    Update. I went down to my parents house and installed the console and motor. I ended up using a 30 hp evinrude. I ran it yesterday and it flys, even with three people in the boat. I will add pictures later on today.
  3. H

    LED Clamp-on lights ?

    Check out
  4. H

    1648 build - update 3/21

    Well I haven't had a chance to do anything at all due to poor weather here in Texas. I volunteer at a fire dept, as well as work full time at one. We've had our hands full with all the ice. The ideas are rolling through my head. The current plan is to use the consol out of my dads boat for this...
  5. H

    1648 build - update 3/21

    Thanks for the compliments. Question on wiring. I plan on running Nav lights, anchor light, maybe some deck lighting, stereo, bilge pump, horn and a 12v trolling motor. Would it be best to run two batteries, with the accessories on one battery and use the other for cranking, or would it be...
  6. H

    1648 build - update 3/21

    Well I'm new here. Been lurking for a bit while I shopped for a boat. Finally found one! I picked up a 1648 jon boat. Not sure of the brand. If anybody has any ideas on that I am all ears. Mods include a center console and installing my 50 hp johnson. The motor is what I believe is a 1974...