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  1. Toby from MO

    Anybody know what happened to this website. I've been trying to get on there for the past few days but the website is not coming up? Anybody know anything?
  2. Toby from MO

    Any thoughts???

    On how shallow this guy can run? :shock: here is a link to Apparently this is a drug running boat.
  3. Toby from MO

    Happy Easter...

    I've been looking forward to this weekend for some time. Spending a 3-day Easter weekend on the river, together with the entire family, has become an annual thing. Work, kids and life in general has had us running not stop since the ringing in of the New Year. That said, no matter what was...
  4. Toby from MO

    Steering Pull Adjustment

    Just another fyi...
  5. Toby from MO

    Jet Foot Accessories

    Here you go Codeman...since you’re relatively new to outboard jets I thought I would post a few accessories for the jet foot that are available. This is a poly intake to replace the existing cast iron intake. This particular intake was designed by a boat builder up in the is...