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  1. Z

    Motor wouldn't go over 2400 RPM temporarily?

    Trying to figure out what would cause this temporarily? I was heading out from a bay to a main lake, everything was seemingly fine in the bay. I got to the main lake and went to speed up, the motor wouldn't go over 2400 RPM and would just shake, sounding like it was hitting a rev limiter. I...
  2. Z

    Pulling a tube

    So I'm a fishing guy and have a boat setup mainly for fishing. That said, my daughter is old enough to go on a tube herself and did so this past weekend and now she's hooked. I actually bought a tube earlier this summer but never got around to testing it out on my boat. I took it out tonight...
  3. Z

    Tilt trim moving on its own, is it ghosts?

    Just kidding. But I was in the garage the other day and heard a sound coming from where my boat was. Realized it was my motor trim running non stop. No idea how long it was doing that but hopefully not long enough to damage the trim motors or anything. Anyhow, when I bought the boat, the...
  4. Z

    Plugs on a 2 stroke when idling alot?

    So I've read that 2 strokes don't like to idle a lot and should be run close to WOT for a while to get the plugs hot and clean them off before ending your day. I don't always have the ability to do that where I normally launch my boat at, due to lack of room in the bay, or large waves on a windy...
  5. Z

    Cleaning carbs for first time, these look normal?

    Cleaning the carbs on my johnson 70hp for the first time since I got it last year. Started having more and more trouble starting as the year went on and figured Id give it a good run through before this year begins. Can you tell anything by looking at these? Not sure if carbs are like spark...
  6. Z

    Is my spark good? Does color of spark matter?

    I bought one of these OTC 6589's (OTC 6589) to test my spark to make sure I'm good with plugs/wires/coils/etc. All 3 of the wires produces an orange looking spark. Can I check off my spark as being good or should I be seeing a blue spark? I've read a few things that says spark color matters and...
  7. Z

    Ugh.. worst day of boating.. so far

    I say worst day of boating "so far" because it could always be worse and probably will be. I mean no one died so we got that goin for us.. Just got back from a little outing with my two kids. Was going to take the boat out on this nice sunny November day. Haven't gotten out in a while and being...
  8. Z

    Where can I find a thread on cover for whatever this is?

    My guess is that this is the gas tank vent? Comes out of the back port side of my Sea Nymph. Looks like maybe there was a thread on vent cover for it that broke off at some point? I'm guessing you want some sort of vent shield over it so water doesn't splash in easily. I took a guess at a...
  9. Z

    Battery trashed?

    So I may have finally figured out why my battery kept going low. After sitting for about a month due to weather and not having time, I went to check my battery and it read 0.02. Basically dead as a doornail. I searched for anything that could be causing a parasitic drain and finally found that...
  10. Z

    Add inline fuel filter or just clean screen?

    My fuel filter has one of those metal mesh screens in it. Cleaned it for the first time since I bought the boat earlier this year and there's a bunch of crap in it. Looks like little bug particles or something. Thought about adding an inline fuel filter to prevent crap from making it to the...
  11. Z

    Extra ground wire on new rectifier

    Just ordered a new rectifier for my 70hp Johnson two stroke as I suspect it may be going bad. Cheap and easy enough to replace but the new one came with an extra black wire, which I'm assuming should be grounded to the engine? Is there an easy ground location where all the wiring connects? Or...
  12. Z

    Bad battery or charging issue?

    In a previous post, I was troubleshooting an issue re-starting my motor once on the water. Went through and re gapped plugs. Put some seafoam in gas to maybe clean carbs out a bit. Checked fuel line for kinks, etc. One thing I didn't check was the battery, since it's only about a month old. I...
  13. Z

    First break down on the water - 70hp Johnson

    First motor issue since owning the boat for a couple months now. Took the boat out with the family tonight. Ran around the lake a bit for maybe 15 mins. Stopped at one spot for a few mins. Motor fired back up no issue. Ran over to another spot and fished for an hour or so. Went to fire the...
  14. Z

    Oops, think I shorted my nav lights

    So my rear anchor light wasn't working. I realized one of the wires in the based was not making a good contact and had it working but figured I'd just replace the base anyway. I replaced the base, not realizing til after I was done, that I had left the switch on for the nav lights so the power...
  15. Z

    For those that store outdoors, cover on always?

    So I have 1990 that's in pretty good shape (in my opinion) as far as very minimal UV damage goes to the interior parts. I store the boat outdoors and keep the tonneau cover on when not in use to prevent any further sun damage. I noticed that the boat gets a bit musty smelling when keeping it...
  16. Z

    Best way to connect ring connector to SAE?

    I got my new trolling motor mounted today, now I just got to figure out how to wire this thing up! I have an SAE connector under the bow of my boat that runs to the battery area in the back. What's my best bet for connecting the SAE connector to the ring connector coming out of my trolling...
  17. Z

    Grease, grease, and more grease!

    So I was going through some routine maintenance in my service manual and decided to grease all the zerks I could find from the photos it provided. Most were pretty minor except the one in the middle that I really needed to pump for a while before I got some grease to come out. Is this the most...
  18. Z

    Gas under carbs? Did I flood it?

    I noticed after taking off the motor cowling that there was some gas under my carbs. I've only taken this boat out on its first maiden voyage and wasn't real familiar with the startup routine so I think I overprimed it and flooded it a bit to get it going. Would that cause a bit of gas under...
  19. Z

    Maiden voyage on the SeaNymph

    Took the new (to me) SeaNymph for it's maiden voyage the other day. This is my first boat and have no experience with trailers or launching or anything like that. Obviously I wanted to take it easy for the first time out so I could figure things out. So I took her out, along with the wife and 2...
  20. Z

    Alternatives to OMC branded grease?

    Just received my service manual for my 1990 70hp Johnson. Going through the manual, I see that it recommends 3 types of OMC grease to use. 1. OMC Griple Guard Grease 2. OMC Hi-Vis Gearcase Lube 3. OMC General Electric Versilube Doing a quick web search, it looks like these aren't readily...