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  1. M

    Lifting boat off trailer to replace bunks

    Hey guys. Not sure if this is the correct place for this or if it should go in the trailer forum so my apologies. Since my boat resto is in a good place, I'm turning my attention over the winter to giving the trailer some tlc. Its in good shape overall, just needs a bit of clean up, replace...
  2. M

    Transom through bolts... type, sealing question.

    As some of you guys know, I'm knee deep at the moment on a transom resto on a Starcraft boat. So far so good, everything is going beautifully. I'm taking stock of the hardware I need to replace as I will not use any of the old stuff when I put this thing back together. Looking at...
  3. M

    Marine Grade Plywood alternatives

    I know this topic has been gone over a few times but I can't seem to find a straight answer. Living in the middle of PA, I can't find marine plywood anywhere. I can special order it from a place locally, but with tax and shipping, I'm looking at close to 200 for a sheet of plywood! I don't...
  4. M

    1999 Starcraft Superfisherman Transom Restoration

    I spoke on another thread about my plans on how to restore and fix a corroded transom on a Starcraft Superfisherman that I recently purchased. I got a pretty good deal on the boat, knowing it had some issues, but my inexperience overlooked just how bad the transom was. Bottom line, the transom...
  5. M

    Splash Well Rivet Question

    I'm in the process of gutting the rear of my boat to replace the transom wood and repair the skin. Part of this process involves drilling out all of the rivets in the splash well that connect it to bracing underneath. These are bucked rivets. I was wondering. When I go to reinstall the...
  6. M

    Transom Restoration on 99 Starcraft Superfisherman 176

    Hello everyone. First time poster here. I have some questions I'm hoping the experts on here would be able to point me in the right direction or affirm that I"m headed that way. I got a killer deal over the summer on a 99 Starcraft Superfisherman 176. The boat hull is perfect, hardly a mark...