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  1. B

    What is this?

    I saw this in another post here, 9,9hp Mariner Outboard Is this a motor someone brought here from the UK or other offshore source? As far as I know there's no more Mariner here after 2007? The few later Mariner motors I've run across here have been either German or Austrailian market motors...
  2. B

    Where do most people go to sell a used aluminum boat these days?

    About 8 years ago I inherited my dad's old boat. I wasn't sure if I was keeping it but its become the only boat I use now. My 94 Starcraft SF14DLX just sits. I sold the motor last year figuring since i moved here we can only use a trolling motor, i didn't have any use for a gas motor. I've used...
  3. B

    New sign up, long time reader here

    After reading these posts here for a few years I finally signed up here. I've been a life long aluminum boat guy, big and small and have restored more than a dozen over the years and have saved/collected/hoarded, what ever you want to call it, about 300 or so older outboards. Recently retired...