hmmmmmmmm, interesting. I'm only looking to go about 450# people, motor, and battery. Should be good to go I think. the lake we fish is not deep for the most part so if need be we can walk out . lol. whats the capacity on your V ? Thanks again
sears boat.pdf[/attachment]I think your buddy has a 14' and not a 12' all good though I was able to use the model number on his tag to get some info. Mine actually measures 11-6. found this
Thanks, no problem on the delay. I'm still fighting through registration because it was never titled or registered that I can tell and in PA no motors without registration. It is a flat bottom. thanks again I really appreciate it. I have even tried emailing lowes boats that took over sea...
Wow, that would be really cool, and greatly appreciated. I am trying to be 100% sure of capacity before loading motor, battery and 16 year old on it. Thanks in advance.
Hello here and I have read a bunch of older posts regarding weight capacities. I have a 1982 12'-0" gamefisher jon boat. The capacity plate is missing and I'd like to have a replacement made. Does anybody out there have one they can post a picture of ? Thanks in advance and...