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  1. T

    Poll- Pay to fish Lakes ? Question.

    Here you typically pay a $5 launch fee whether it is private or parish (county) owned. I buy an annual pass for $75. There are areas where you can launch for free but the launch quality is poor and you might be missing something when you return.
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    Fuse Keeps blowing

    Hi guys. This site is awesome!! I am having a problem with my lights on my trailer. When I hook up the lights they work fine. After the last two times of using them they are blowing a fuse in my car. I am unplugging them when I go into the water, so I have ruled that out. Any idea as to...
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    Battery and Wiring

    Hi guys. I am doing a similar project and instead of starting another topic on this subject, Ill follow this one. Here is my main question.. Is it better to run the negative for each device to the negative post on my battery or to a block? Here is the breakdown. Starting motor battery to...
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    best handheld GPS for fishing

    I have a Garmin E Trex. I bought it a Walmart for like $100. Very basic, no maps but you can zoom in and out and rembers where you have been and you can mark waypoints, etc. For the price I like it, all I need. Uses 2 AA batteries.
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    New Member Introductions!

    Hey guys I LOVE this site. Located in Southeast Louisiana, Houma area to be exact. 1648 Alweld........its a tank.
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    Help with wiring boat

    With regards to the batteries I have two. One for starting the motor and a deep cycle for the trolling motor. I have the batteries seperate with the deep cycle towards the front of the boat with the trolling motor and the starting battery located at the back. For the deep cycle battery for...
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    Help with wiring boat

    First....thanks for this forum. It is wonderful. I have been reading for several days and really enjoy it. Wondering if you can help me out. I have a boat that I want to wire a bilge and other items. I will have to install a panel but have no clue how to wire it. I will be happy to pay for...