It's been awhile since I posted on this project since the time taken has been scraping glue...I figure pictures of that is liking watching...well...the scraping of glue...not very interesting. I have gotten all the hull done as far as scraping. I pulled the fuel tank up and cleaned the bottom...
Well I have all the wood decking and flooring out. This boat appears to be very well built. All the foam is in great shape so it will stay. Hopefully these pics work. I am going to carpet the floor and decks and do the spray on coating up the interior sides where they had carpet before. I'm...
I bought a 99 Monark 860 with a 75 HP Mercury. I got it specifically to get over shallow gravel bars in the summer and fall on the river here where I live. I have tore out all the decking, which was a solid 3/4 inch thick plywood.
This is my first time tearing a boat down and my goal is to...