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  1. R

    Here's the new boat

    Hey all. Hope all is well. I forgot to elaborate about the new trailer. It came with a fiberglass boat. A monster of a boat. Almost 18' long and close to 6' wide, and close to 3' deep. I'm thinking you could ride in the ocean and not worry too much about the waves. But, it was old and...
  2. R

    Here's the new boat

    Ok, sorry to take so long, but here are the transom pics. Also a couple of my new trailer. It's huge :D . More trailer than even I wanted, but hey, it was within budget and timing was right so better too big than too small. Hope to get the boat on it this week so I can modify or add new...
  3. R

    Here's the new boat

    Hello to all. Here is the new boat on the rainy Monday when we brought it home. Took it out the following Saturday and had a blast, but realized the transom would have to be replaced sooner rather than later so the next weekend the boat set home while I was working on the new transom. Thanks...
  4. R

    New Member Introductions!

    Hey Ohiobassmaster. From one newbie to another, welcome to Tin Boats. Seems you have been cruising the site longer than me so you probably know about all the good info available. Again, welcome and happy boating :D
  5. R

    New Member Introductions!

    Hello everyone. Just kind of wetting my feet here so before my thanks I guess there should be a little about me. I grew up in east Tennessee about 45 minutes from Watts Bar dam on the Tennessee River. Some of my earliest memories are crawling down those rocks by the dam to fish and sleeping...