14 Sears Gamefisher MOD . I need some help!!


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Apr 27, 2010
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So i picked up this little thing about a week ago. I have big ideas about what I want this boat to come out like, and in the end just have something i can take out on the local lakes and just have a good time for a couple years.

Im new to this boat thing, and need as much help as i can get. Im going to go over what i want to do to the boat ultimately, and PLEASE HELP ALONG THE WAY.. Ill keep you all updated as much as possible... Thanks in advance for all your help, all will be greatly appreciated!

1. remove all hardware
2. sand down paint job and any holes
3. re fiberglass places that might need it.
4. resand everything
5. prime (need some GOOD PRIMER ideas)
6. paint (anyone know a good marine quality paint?)
7. add supports to the boat to hold up deck
8. cut deck to size
9. carpet what needs
10. re accessorize and customize gear

SO i have some pretty big plans for what i want to do to it. and ill post some pics along the way, but most importantly.... can you guys just see if im going about this the write way, and any tips, tricks, and techniques will be greatly appreciated again...


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Looking good so far, just look at other builds to get ideas. That will help more than you know, then ask specific questions to get you where you need to go.
ok today I am going to try and sand the bottom.... I have been using a electric hand sander, with 80 grade 1st time around, the 120 after that ... any comments? good enough to use?

and i am going to try and re fiberglass a few spots... (what do you think) any tips?

IT looks like some damage was done to the back and they just screwed screws through the hull and just refibered over it... I took the boat at when i first got it for about 8 hours on the water the whole time, no leaks at all.. so i guess the hull is secure.... wish me luck ! haha

i need some ideas on which primer to use, and also some paint to use


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ok so yesterday was nice out and I finally got all of my sanding done, finally! i used 8- grade thorughout the entire boat the first time around, and then i used a 120 to finish everything. everything came out smooth and looks like everything is ready to paint.

I ordered the paint and primer also yesterday. For primer I ordered Interlux Pre Kote, since the boat will not be submerged for more than 48hours at a time.. Then for paint I ordered Interlux Brightside (black for bottom, steel grey on the top.) Any comments/concerns on how this will turn out. is it an ok combination to be using?

I also had some questions about Carpeting... I was looking in Lowes today and can anyone telll me how the Sunbeam? marine grade carpet is there.. i believe it was $1.14 a sq/ft.. any comments? just want to find a nice carpet for the deck.

1 more thing.... does anyone know where I can find a replacement lip? like the one im missing? (again im new to this boat thing, I need some help!!! haha)


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ok so i finally got around to painting the underside of the boat and the black came out amazing... and ill post the next step, painting the grey, when im all done with it..

so i have a question, after i finish the painting with the Interlux Brightside do i have to use a final like clear coat to cover everything? Im new to this..

another question.. has anyone used the marine grade carpet from Lowes? im looking for a nice black carpet that wont wear and dont fade too quickly... if i shouldnt use that, any other suggestions?


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I've used the carpet from Lowe's and have had no problems to speak of yet. It is called marine grade, I'm not sure that it is though, possibly a marine backing. Anyway, I used it on my first build and then again on my second, no problems to mention. I used an outdoor carpet glue to hold it down and also stapled it on the back side.
My brother has used the rolls of outdoor carpet from lowes and it's worked great everytime. I think it's like $18 a roll. I'm not sure how big it is but 3 rolls is enough for the floor and front a rear casting decks on my 16' traveler. He used 3M super 77 spray adhesive. The super 90 works really well but it sprays out faster and drys quicker so you need a a couple more cans and it is more expensive. I think it took 4 cans of spray for the whole boat. 2 for the decks, 1 for the floor and 1 extra just in case.
Looking VERY good! I think your hopes for a few years out of it are a bit pessamistic. You are turning that into a machine that will last a long time. =D>
so yesterday i finally finished painting the bottom for good... took some time and cleaned up the edges of the line and also the front arch was a pain in the butt.. now on to the inside....

couple more steps to finish this off.
1. sand where i filled in holes with putty and fill in holes with putty on the inside.
2. re fiberglass a part on the inside that has been torn off.
3. prime and paint
4. cut wood and then carpet
5. finally put everything

Almost at the finish line. but still a lot of work to do...... ive never fiberglassed anything before, and important tips or tricks that could make this a lot easier?

(What do you think of the outcome of the bottom?)


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Paint looks great, and interlux is a good resource to ask about using any top coats on their products.

I might reconsider using black carpet just because of the heat, and it seems that black always looks good clean but is hard to keep looking that way.

Good luck with the rest of your build.
I think that the black will fade faster an it will be pretty hot on a sunny day .I'd go with a gray color carpet,thats what I used it hasn't faded much in 2years. just my suggestion after all it is your boat , do what will make you happy.
Hi, Over all for a first time with glass. It was a good try! If I were you and I was going to do it again. I would use 80 grit to knock down the glass farther. REMEMBER sand sand and sand again. Then hit it with 180 to smooth it. I would say as rough as the glass looks it may have some weeping possible in the future. And if you used body putty on it in stead of glass stand? You might have some adhesion issues with the glass there. Sometimes they don't play well together. I just started work on a Gamefisher 1200. It has fallen off of the trailer going 80 MLH it had extensive damage all over! The last owner filled some of the bigger cracks in the transom with body putty. It did not adhere the foam or the fiber glass. It is has since all re-broken. And now it is big f-ning mess! Thanks for fixing up your old boat! Remember if we throw everything we make in the garbage. We are telling are kids. Everything we make is **** to be flushed! Old things are worth keeping. These old boats are great! Thanks

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