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Once you've been on the forum for a while you'll see that patterns develop on posts/responses to posts.  In the summer most are busy fishing or doing other things and are less likely to be reading or posting.  Also, lots of people are probably posting from their work computers during the week so activity on the site slows down on over the weekend to pick up again on Monday.

It's hard to reign in your enthusiasm when you are excited to work on a project.  If you want/need answers to the questions you have you may just have to be patient if you don't want to risk making mistakes.  While making mistakes is a good way to learn it sucks to have to do things over.  Maybe while you're waiting for responses you could spend some time reading some of the in-depth projects.  There is a lot of info to be found here and it's worth the time to dig it out.

Also, sometimes questions have been asked so many times that members just don't respond anymore.  Case in point is that about every other week someone asks about removing seats from their boat and what the structural implications of that are.  I used to get on my soap box and give reasons why it's a bad idea but after a while I just gave it up.  There are probably about a hundred threads on this question and the answers/opinions are usually divided but the same.  The search function is your friend and you should make use of it.

Hang in there.  This is a good group and their criticisms are intended to be constructive, not like a spinster aunt who's always on your case about something.
