I have a 1957 14 crestliner. Very much like yours. I would say minamum would be 25hp to begin enjoying it. With a 35 HP I was getting 24mph(GPS). 15hp would be anemic and just to under powered for me but then im a little bit of a speed freak! Now have a 50hp with console steer.All the 14 foot info that i have read says 35hp max tiller and 60 HP max for console with a couple at 55hpmax.
I have a 1957 14 crestliner. Very much like yours. I would say minamum would be 25hp to begin enjoying it. With a 35 HP I was getting 24mph(GPS). 15hp would be anemic and just to under powered for me but then im a little bit of a speed freak! Now have a 50hp with console steer.
All the 14 foot info that i have read says 35hp max tiller and 60 HP max for console with a couple at 55hpmax.