My first job was to scrape and sand down the outside of the hull and remove thousands of barnacles and take it back to bare aluminum. And those little buggers were hard as a rock! Sanding was not working, so scraping by hand was about the best way to remove them. A long tedious job.This is how the so called welded in transom repair my buddy had done looked when I got it. It was a piss poor job, not well thought out at all. And, if that was not bad enough the welds were crappy and the most important welds were all cracking from the stress he put on it with his 40 horse power outboard.Also, notice in the image shown above how shallow of a draft this boat floats! Mere inches in the water! And that is perfect for me since I plan to only use this boat in fresh water lakes and rivers as long as I have it, and some of the places I fish are extremely shallow and this boat is perfect for all those backwoods places everyone else can NOT go!I like an open boat and these pipes welded into the back corners of the boat took up too much space for me and I wanted them gone. So, after examining the transom repair he did I decided to rip it all out and start over and do it my way.
My first job was to scrape and sand down the outside of the hull and remove thousands of barnacles and take it back to bare aluminum. And those little buggers were hard as a rock! Sanding was not working, so scraping by hand was about the best way to remove them. A long tedious job.
This is how the so called welded in transom repair my buddy had done looked when I got it. It was a piss poor job, not well thought out at all. And, if that was not bad enough the welds were crappy and the most important welds were all cracking from the stress he put on it with his 40 horse power outboard.
Also, notice in the image shown above how shallow of a draft this boat floats! Mere inches in the water! And that is perfect for me since I plan to only use this boat in fresh water lakes and rivers as long as I have it, and some of the places I fish are extremely shallow and this boat is perfect for all those backwoods places everyone else can NOT go!
I like an open boat and these pipes welded into the back corners of the boat took up too much space for me and I wanted them gone. So, after examining the transom repair he did I decided to rip it all out and start over and do it my way.